Bobos Cosmetics

Claire –

Victim Location 55408

Type of a scam Counterfeit Product

This website is using a fake BBB badge at the bottom of their page, which is not a clickable link. There is no listing for this company on the BBB website. Additionally, this website does not use HTTPS, even on the page where you enter your name/address/payment info. Using this fake BBB badge lends legitimacy to this scam website. Nowhere on the site is the company’s country of origin listed and there is no phone number or email address to contact the company anywhere. Furthermore, the website outright lies with this claim "We guarantee a safe and secure shopping environment. We have successfully taken out the risk of online shopping-from product ordering, secure payment and delivering."

This website is also selling fake makeup. There are items available on the website that were limited edition and discontinued YEARS ago by the brands (example: Anastasia Beverly Hills Mario Palette, Dior Holiday 2016 items, etc.). These items are not being produced and sold out when they were originally released by the brands.

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