Blue Octopux Research

Nina –

Victim Location 27253

Type of a scam Employment

I initially received a message from someone that I didn’t know on LinkedIn about a job opportunity. She gave me information about this company with a link to "sign up" stating that she had been "earning" money from the company for a year. I was curious about what type of job she was referencing so I went to check out the site. The website was very "bare bones" with no real information about the company, no contact information, testimonials, information about the companies that hired them to do the research. I was still curious, although at this point thinking it was a scam. I entered my name, address, and e-mail information so I could get some information about what was being asked for. I received the email below:

Evaluation Assignment #1 – 10/30/2018

Tue, Oct 30, 9:28 AM (1 day ago)


Your first assignment check of $1860.85 was posted via USPS. The envelope should arrive with your mail in the coming days. See below and also attached for your assignment guideline and commission details. Proceed with the assignment when the payment arrives.

Kindly confirm receiving this email.


1: Proceed to your bank or credit union to have the check deposited. Funds will be available immediately or in 24 hours.

2: Deduct USD $350 as your commission.

3: Proceed to nearest store with Walmart Money Cards, Vanilla Visa Gift Cards or Google Play Gift Cards.

(The cards are available at Walmart Stores, CVS/pharmacy, Walgreens, 7 Eleven, Best Buy, Dollar General, etc.)

4: Purchase 3 Walmart Money Cards or Vanilla Visa Gift Cards or Google Play Gift Cards at store.

(See below for Samples).

5: Go to the register and add cash of $500 to each card. $500 X 3 = $1,500

Note: If the $500 Gift Card are not available, then you may purchase/load other denominations ($100, $250, $300, $400 etc.) to total $1,500 which is required for the assignment.

6: Evaluate the quality of customer service delivery, condition and arrangement of cards at the store and fill out your observation in the Feedback Section below (Page 3).

Note: Under no circumstance should you acknowledge that you are evaluating their services as that will deter the purpose of the program. If asked if you are a mystery shopper, kindly answer NO.



Open the pack, remove the label in front of the cards and capture clear image of front and back of each card and email to us along with Page 3 of this document. (Phone camera accepted).


Open the pack, scratch off label to reveal code at the back of the cards and capture clear image of front and back of each card and email to us along with Page 3 of this document. (Phone camera accepted)

The cards are required for the next assignment. You will also use the funds to carry out future assignments. This eliminates the need of posting you checks for other upcoming assignments. Note, do not use the cards until we instruct you to do so.






It has all the "tell tell" signs of a scam: no website or company information, P.O. Box address, told they are sending a "check", asking to deposit the "check", going to pay you a ridiculous amount of money,buy cash/money cards, load money on the cards and, take pictures of the information on the on the cards and send it to them.

What a joke!!! I can’t wait to receive the check so I can shred it pronto. I work too hard for my money to be handing it over to scammers. Please don’t be fooled by this scam. I’m sure you work hard for your money as well and can’t afford to just give it away.

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