Beverly Hills Psychic Christopher Golden

Nina –

Victim Location 90005

Total money lost $100,000

Type of a scam Other

The website owner of or Beverley Hills Psychic Christopher Golden is running a ponzi type scam where he sends a free evaluation for requesting payment for his services to bring back your ex partner. He then asks for larger sums of money and keeps sending emails through paypal. He tells you that your partner is so close to reaching out to you and pursuing you and you are getting back together but then he sends more and more invoices saying there is a block or your spirit guides need you to make a donation.

He writes the same or similar emails to everyone;

"Definitely your intuition in reaching out to me, when you did, was the right thing to do.

But now we need to take the steps to get Brendan back – back into alignment with the relationship that is trying to happen – but isn’t happening.

My sense it that you’re caught in a negative karmic pattern – and this is just going to keep getting worse until that pattern is broken. In other words, we need to replace the negative pattern with a positive one. We’ve got to get you on a different path because you’re not heading in the direction you want to go right now.

So the ideal time for taking action is actually right now. I would not put this off, because your window of opportunity is going to close. So here is what I am picking up…

His feelings for you are real, in the here and now. That’s clear. But this negative cycle needs to be broken in order for a long term, stable relationship to stand a chance. There have been too many forces working against you. Given that there are no “coincidences” what I’m about to say to you will probably resonate. In fact, my sense is that, much of what I’m going to say will confirm what you already intuitively know. So bear with me as I’m kind of just going with everything I’m picking up here…

You have already spent enough time, going around in circles and not getting the results you want. Don’t waste your time continuing like this. It will drive you crazy and make you miserable. It will also push him further away.

The reason everything is stuck is is because you are clearly blocked. So, the only way to resolve this problem is to remove the obstacles that are blocking you. These obstacles are the result of karmic patterns. Karma is the law of cause and effect. Your patterns sort of need to be reset. I can help you to remove the obstacle and get things back on track, but it will require some changes on your part.

As I read the energy dynamic between you, what I am seeing is that there is an unusual connection here – not common. This is good. He definitely has feelings for you – but he is in his head, not his heart. That’s a problem. And this is key, so please understand this. He is just not himself right now. Your hearts and minds are connected in a way that is impossible to dismiss, this is clear. But there are forces of opposition at work here – forces that will require action.

Please keep that in mind. Attention and action are what will make the difference for you right now. Don’t take everything you see on the surface as the whole picture, because there are other things going on here. My sense is that, if you think about you, you will see that in fact you are in a repeating pattern – and one that must be broken in order for things to get better.

As for him, he is not able to fully understand this or express his feelings to you at this time – which I can explain to you if you like. He’s blocked and he’s going to stay blocked until something happens to bring him out of it. That’s the bottom line.

Also, what I am getting here is that you are causing him to feel things he does not understand – even at times in your absence. I don’t mean that in a negative sense. But you cause him to feel things simply does not understand. So I pick up patterns of confusion on his end – sort of like a dark haze – a cloud – because this man is inwardly conflicted. He is in a crisis state. His mind is in a state of crisis.

This is a very delicate situation. Please keep that in mind. Also, and I don’t know if this is relevant, but I am sensing the presence of another figure in your life who is speaking badly about you or wishes you ill will. We’ll have to talk about that more because I don’t yet know for sure that this is connected to your question.

On the positive side, there is enough mutual emotion here to change this, thankfully, to bring about a positive outcome. You do have a workable situation. However, if you do not handle this appropriately at this time, you will feel the connection slipping away. I urge you not to let that happen. The combination of your negative karmic cycle and him being totally in his head (instead of in his heart) is not good. However, in my experience this is correctable.

Too much doubt has entered the picture already and we have to reverse that trend immediately, if you want to remain true to a true thing. Otherwise, this relationship is going to slip away entirely. So let’s not let that happen.

I guess I just want to emphasize that there aspects to this situation that are like diffusing a time bomb. Caution is really key here. Please remember that. There is so much more here than what meets the eye. Does this make sense? Your own karmic background is influencing your present dynamic I think more than you fully realize at this time.

The ingredients are there to resolve this, but it has to be done right. Too much is at stake. You are going to need accurate and reliable guidance to navigate this connection to a better place. I hope you will stay true to your heart.

I would strongly advise you to not do anything to try to "help" this situation or move it forward. Let’s talk before you do anything else. The wrong moves can actually undermine everything. To consult with me first is a step in the right direction – so, let’s talk as soon as possible.

Anyway, what are some days and times that you are available? I will do my best to get you in for the first available appointment. Let’s get you two on the same emotional wavelength, without any more obstacles, interference or delays, so that this connection can be all that it is capable of being. Love is the force which gives our lives meaning. I believe it is the one thing that is truly worth fighting for.

I’m sorry you’re going through all of this right now. If what I have said so far resonates with you, then I look forward to hearing from you soon. I started out to write you a short email, but it looks like this has turned into a rather long one 😉 So, I hope I hear back from you. Sorry to end up writing so much but I really picked up a lot from what you sent me.

Email is the best way to get a hold of me, by the way, not the phone. If you email me, I will get right back to you.

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