
Website: www.bcartor.com
Ann – Aug 16, 2020

I received a mask instead of the Graco carseat I ordered for $69.99. I paid using PayPal credit so I filed a dispute with them to get my money back.

Philip – Aug 07, 2020

Same issue as everybody else! I’m soooo heated right now! And I ordered from PayPal because I thought it was legit, thinking if something happened, they would back me up, and they didn’t even do that. They said the transaction was legit. Never again will I order through PayPal! Lesson learned!

Vincent – Jul 31, 2020

Ordered a singer embroidery machine for $99 on May 4th, the site appeared to be a legit singer website. I recently filed a complaint with paypal, a week or so ago, I also got a really cheap pair of white ped type sock. I only ordered because Paypal is supposed to back any purchases.

Kenneth – Jul 16, 2020

Same seller, different product, same scam. I ordered a sewing machine and after 3 months I received…a pair of socks. I couldn’t dispute it with PayPal until it was delivered, but I have now done so. I feel so stupid for falling for the scam.

Nicole – Jul 11, 2020

I ordered the seat in April from an ad on Facebook and now in July, I have received a pair of socks! I emailed the seller back in May and was informed by the seller that things were slow due to the pandemic. My bank acct was charged by Lolly llc and these are the two addresses that I emailed [email protected]
[email protected] I have received my money back due to filing a complaint with paypal along with my bank. Karma is not far behind for these scammers!

Sergio – Jul 16, 2020

How did you get paypal to.refund you? I too received a pair of socks. I purchased a slide for $99 and received a cheap pair of socks. Paypal refused my refund because I received the package containing the pair of socks.

Catherine – Jun 12, 2020

They scammed me too! I ordered TWO car seats and they never showed. PayPal is doing nothing !

Crystal – Jun 02, 2020

Scammer’s website Bcartor.com

Country United States

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Initial means of contact Not applicable

I purchased a Graco 4ever DLX 4 n 1 convertible car seat for $69.99 April 30, 2020. I still have no car seat 6/1/2020. I have been waiting patiently. I think I have been scammed, I have no contact info. I have no way of getting my money back and my grand baby do not have her car seat. Please help!

Troy – Jun 05, 2020

Call your credit card company to report it as fraud
.. I ordered the same car seat and I received a sock.

Rafael – May 06, 2020

What do you tell your bank when you dispute the charge? My charge is showing up as a paypal charge on my bank account

Aaron – Aug 04, 2020

First thing I learned from being hacked through pay pal, NEVER use paypal! It took me two months and the threat of a lawsuit to get a lousy $5 on a nearly closed account before that happened. Either take the chance and transfer all your money out or hold forever and demand they close your account and mail you a check like I did. Next best to use a credit card not a card attached to your checking account (debit card). Your credit card will contact them to validate or demand the transaction is reversed. Most will reverse the charge to your account. I have a feeling this was the above ground pool company but they sent me a tracking number that was delivered to another address in the same city 11 days before I even placed my order. I suspect these socks are how they are getting the delivery notification to send to the next person.

Neil – May 12, 2020

I told them exactly what happened. No need for me to lie. They started the dispute for me and I got my money back from my bank.

Crystal – May 03, 2020

I purchased a car seat through this website on April 20th 20 and still no car seat and I can not find how to get ahold of someone for my money back. I have proof I purchased it. Picture attached.

Vanessa – May 05, 2020

Call your bank. My bank did a dispute and I got my $82 back.

Wesley – Apr 28, 2020

Same as all stated above. Purchased a carseat on 4/18/20 today is 04/28/20 havent heard a peep since i purchased it. The site wont let me track my order, it just still says payment success/pending and then i’ve emailed them 4 times now with no response. Came through paypal as Vinn LLC the contact email was the [email protected] I’ve contacted paypal and will be contacting my bank next!

Stephen – Apr 25, 2020

I ordered two car seats and was charged for three. I have not received them and the tracking number is invalid. I purchased through a guest account through PayPal and they are not being much help. They have no customer service over the phone right now, so I have been messaging for a week trying to get it taken care of. My bank is making me wait 30 days before they will do anything about it.

Carlos – Apr 25, 2020

Contact your bank. My bank is in the process of doing a dispute. I’m hoping I’ll get my money back.

Marissa – Apr 25, 2020

Scammer’s website Bcartor through FB

Country United States

Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan

Initial means of contact Not applicable

Car seat scam! Pop up through FB $300 car seats as low as $69.95. You pay through PayPal you don’t know this until you’ve hit complete sale. Then nothing! Crickets! Your receipt from PayPal versus on how it will show up on your bank statement. Mine was BradfordLLC on the page I found that name was different for each person. Be aware this is not a real company if it seems to good to be true it is!

Sandra – Apr 25, 2020

First grandbaby! A total of 5 different family members ordered car seats! We ordered off Facebook it went through a company’ bcartor then I got a receipt from PayPal saying it will show up on my banking statement from Bradford LLC . We have all contacted our banks had to cancel cards! It’s a complete fraud! Still waiting to see if we ever get our money back!

Krystal – Apr 24, 2020

We also ordered 2 car seats from them, the receipt on PayPal came back from brownLLC. We ordered back In early March, of course I tried contacting them and my email did not bounce back, however I didn’t receive a response. I’m definitely getting my money back for these! Total scam!

Taylor – Apr 23, 2020

Scammer’s website www.bcartor.com

Scammer’s email [email protected]

Country United States

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Initial means of contact Social media (e.g., Facebook)

April 15, a suggested ad pops up on FB for Car Seats as low as $69.99. I clicked on the link for it to open to “www.bcartor.com”. Looking at the site, it appeared “ok” since the payment was through Paypal. So I put the car seat in the cart and purchase through the secure payment option of Paypal.
A week later, I decided to go to the desktop to pull up the website and see that the website is apparel only. A search of “car seats” pulled up no match. I sent an email to the address listed on the contact page and have not heard back from anyone and no one has read the email. I then searched the web for scams from this company and found this page.
I have contacted Paypal to dispute the transactions and they have contacted the “merchant” and will give them a week to respond.
I contacted my bank and have stopped payment all all transactions from Paypal in case these crooks decide to take payment again from through another legal name.

The Legal name from my Paypal payment is Cyiark, LLC with an email address as [email protected]

I have emailed [email protected] and the [email protected], with no response.


If it seems to good to be true… IT IS A SCAM.

Brandi – Apr 21, 2020

I also purchased a car seat from this website. I saw an add on Facebook for it. I thought it was too good to be true but when I saw they took PayPal I somehow thought it was a legit website. Boy was I WRONG. I have tried to contact their “customer service” email 3 times now. The email provided changes every time I go to email them. It also bounces back. I’m trying to figure out how to dispute the claim with PayPal but feel like it is useless.

Brandi – Apr 17, 2020

Everyone call your banks and dispute the charge. I am calling my bank because I fell for the same thing. Email address I got for them was [email protected] I should have known as well. PayPal should be on the look out as well. I’m just glad I didn’t put my information right into the website. But I’ll update what my bank says.

Morgan – Apr 16, 2020

I’m pretty sure I just got scammed out of $82. PayPal says I paid Neal, LLC. What the heck? I wish I would of read further into this site. I knew it was too good to be true and I still went ahead and ordered one. Did anyone get their money back from PayPal?

Taylor – Apr 17, 2020

Call your bank and do a dispute. That’s what I’m going to do cause I did the same thing for 98.99 I got an email from PayPal stating my order has been shipped and if I have any questions to email Email address for them is [email protected] according to PayPal.

Paula – Apr 16, 2020

I have been scammed from another page so I shared that in the comments on there FB page. Did some research and shared this page for the reviews. They deleted and blocked me but I have screen shots and reported the FB page. I just hope someone saw my post and they get enough reports and they deleted the account. Sometimes it’s to good to be true.

Jessie – Apr 16, 2020

Wish I read these 1st I’m sure I just got scammed for a 69 dollar carseat im so angry does that mean they can get into our bank accounts? I used my debit card

Jerome – Apr 17, 2020

Call your bank ASAP! I called mine and I have to wait until the transaction posts in order for me to dispute it. My bank said once it is posted they are going to investigate and hopefully get my money back.

Lee –

Ordered a graco car seat in March. Emailed [email protected] in reference to car seat on 4/4 requesting additional shipping info. Checked today, said it would be delivered. I received a small envelope with a mask inside w/ the same tracking number listed for this car seat. Huge scam, should have signaled as a red flag with that large of a discount in price. How do we get our money back from PayPal?

Marcus –

Just got scammed out of $100. Not like I don’t need the money. I can’t believe I fell for it. I’m so hurt. I’m a single mom just wanting to get a good seat for my kids. Why are people so evil.

Krystal –

I paid for it on bcartor.com, on PayPal it says payment was to “samuels llc” and contact email was [email protected], anyone else with same email and company?

Kate –

Nope mine was totally different I got [email protected] and says the seller is beaty llc

Maggie –

Mine said terronesllc and email address Email address for them is [email protected] I’m disputing this with my bank.

Amber –

I paid for it on bcartor.com too. My PayPal says payment was to Neal, LLC. There is no email address.

Shannon –

Same happened to me. Email is invalid and nothing yet from pay pal.

Janet –

I got scammed also where do I get my money back

Amber –

Victim Location 20132

Total money lost $99

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Hello this company is offering car seats at cost for 69.99 they have no contact info and their email is bouncing back. I put two in my cart and didnt realize the amount didnt even add up correctly. A friend ordered one as well and we compared the company on paypal. They are using multiple paypal accounts to not show up as suspicious.

They know that paypal customer service is almost impossible to get through to right now so they are scamming people left and right.

Paypal wont even get back to me so these people are probably stealing money left and right

Thomas –

I also fell for this. They took my money and emails are getting rejected. How did you get your money back?

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