Victim Location 37421
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
Its this guy name Anthony churchill who claims to be a manager for baskin roobins advert program that pays you to have a decal put on your car and get paid every week for it. He or whoever sent a check for $3500 but had quality florist supply in Miami name on it. He claim $600 would be my payment but would have to send $2900 to the specialist that would have to put the decal on my car. So being that it seemed phishy i had the check cashing place investigate to see if the check was real but they said it was fraudulent. So i did not cash it.
Victim Location 76542
Type of a scam Employment
I received a text message saying we could earn $500 weekly by carrying their advert on exterior part of my CAR, TRUCK or BIKE or wear their JACKET by Baskin Robbins Ice CREAM® WRAP advert program.
Victim Location 90303
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
There is a person calling himself Andrew Goldman rep. of Baskin Robbins with a car decal for advertisement, and they pay 300 a week to have your car with the decal. The scam is that they send you a check to pay for the decal, after you deposit the check, in your acct. you pay the decal people with a money transfer to a certain acct. payment of 950 dollars, they send a check for 1250, you keep the rest. Several days later you already sent the 950 and the check you got is fake.