Auto Wrap Campaign

Grace – Dec 18, 2020

I’ve been scammed before …I knew to check into things 1st after receiving a check for $2,550.37 and a brief oddly written letter…the company on check different than envelope and letter from Mr. Mitchell Williams Auto Wrap Campaign Manager… [censored] I really need that money to save my home from foreclosure 😢 These people have no idea how badly they hurt others…like rabid animals or something, heartless…
Tara B. IA.

Sara – Nov 24, 2020

Just received a package from fed ex from bud light and a check for 2550.33…the initial thing was a email asking me to drive around with a wrap on my car or truck/ for 500.00 a week… says deposit check let them know and they will set up a date to have a tech come and wrap my truck…and I can write them a check and the rest is mine…after some careful checking I decided it was to good to be true and so it must be a scam and form what I have found and seen it is…

Kristi – Nov 15, 2020

Received an email to complete and application for Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Car Decal, $500 a week. Completed the application and then received a text message from “Liam Lucas” indicating they would be in touch with when we could arrange a time for the decal installation. I asked appropriate questions, such as a contract, state and federal taxes, insurance, all the things I could think of and was told yes to these things. I asked to confirm date for installation, come home to a blank envelope stuck between the doors, with a check for $2450 and instructions to deposit and text them when it was deposited, send a copy of the deposit slip to [email protected] The check was issued from DASS Logistics, Inc from Coconut Creek FL. The name on the letter was Flora Anderson, Auto Wrap Campaign Manager Payment Secure Department. Here is the number I received the information from 1-310-929-8973. I hate scammers who are constantly looking to ruin someone’s life! These people need to go to jail and sit there forever.

Tanya – Oct 10, 2020

Received 2 checks one for 3750.00 for a auto wrap campaign and the other for krispy kreme doughnut wrap 3850.00. Both letters attached to the checks basically stated word for word the same bull[censored] nothing but scammers.

Sophia – Oct 08, 2020

Yesterday is the fourth time i have received this letter about having my truck wrapped by Monster Energy! The gentlemen’s name is “Scott Williams” . The last two times i told him that i turned it everything over to the police. His name the fake number, and letter with the check, and this guy is still sending me this crap. Something needs to be done about it!

I tried to add a picture but for some reason your site will not let me .

Adrian – Oct 04, 2020

Letter by FedEx and come to decal my car for advertising and sent check and to deposit check and report when you do and let them know when it clears to go get 3 money orders and leave them blank and send them to them prior mail and then schedule for them to come out to decal the car and how many month would you want to do this

Rebecca – Sep 22, 2020

These are pictures to support Fraud Report
[email protected]
(912) 499 1387
139 Wooster Condo, Wooster Street NYNY
Came by FedEx

Mindy – Sep 22, 2020

Received FedEx letter with check for $3561.29 from [email protected] (912)499-1387 drawn on Capital One bank. This was for an auto wrap campaign. Did research and found this scenario similar to many other attempted scams.

Shana – Aug 19, 2020

Text message from 1-347-839-0677 for Frito Lay Car Wrap Program. Unfortunately, did not read the message clearly enough to know it was a scam. And subsequently provided my email address which now I am dealing with lots of porn/dating spam mail-thank goodness for spam blockers. Anyway recevied $3500 check with instructions to deposit, mail/scan/email copy of deposit slip, $500 fee to (Text Message Only, 630-909-3015) and [email protected] Return address on mailer was from Black-Ken, Inc. 2729 Frederick Douglass Blvd., New York, NY 10026 with self-printed postage from #071S00759150. Also notified local authorities who have taken my documents as evidence for fingerprint and other forensic investigation.

Carolyn – Jun 12, 2020

Victim Location 85345

Type of a scam Employment

I received a text message to reply if I would like to make $500 a week to drive around with a companies logo on my car. I would receive a check and pay an installer to wrap and unwrap the car. I, then looked up the company and realized the check sent to me was from 7/17 credit union in Ohio, received a letter with check from Detroit, MI and the phone number is from NewYork. Also, this auto wrap scam has been happening for years. plenty of YouTube video from news channels from different states show victims being scammed. Basically, you wire the money after you deposit the check to an account and then a week later, the check bounces.

Holly – Jun 05, 2020

I received a check for $4950 for monthly salary of $2,000 and $2950 for auto wrap for Amazon Flex. Total scam!

Gabriel – May 30, 2020

Victim Location 33635

Type of a scam Employment

I was contacted through text messages and offered $500 a week to drive around with Babe Ruth advertisement of candy bars on my car today I received a check for $2,900 in the mail delivered by FedEx they told me to keep 500 and pay the other guys that’s going to put the decal on and remove the decal to make an appointment and they would tell me further instructions where to send the money God knows I needed the money but I checked it out and found a few scam things on YouTube and they also offered me a $200 Amazon gift card if I cashed the check within 24 hours please don’t fall for this scam

Jillian – May 14, 2020

Just got a knock on the door from a fed ex delivery van. Inside a vanilla envelope was a letter with a check for $4,990. The letter was instructions for me to keep $1,400 for myself and the rest for a decal technician who would be coming to place the decal on my car. To contact them as soon as I deposit the check. The names do not match. And after I deposit I would get an extra $200 Amazon gift voucher.

Jaime – May 07, 2020

LMAO! It smelled as soon as I saw the letterhead

Todd – Apr 11, 2020

I got a check in the mail today from Steven n i a n g AutoRap Champaign manager it says they were going to wrap my car in dr. Pepper decals and pay me every month o drive around so people can see I googled the name and found out this was a scam

Craig – Apr 04, 2020

Yes this must be a scam I got the same thing in the mail today that says $4950 $2000 is my 1st payments there will be sending somebody else over to do my rap on my car as soon as I let them know the check cleared to bank I’m supposed to give this guy $2950 blah blah blah same guy Stephen niang His address now that I received was CDC and prevention 3005 chamber lead Tucker drive Atlanta Georgia CDC center for the disease control and prevention does this sound like a car wrap to you Then check I received 4 $4950 Is drawing on a 5th 3rd bank Lansing Michigan from Baker concrete construction incorporated I contacted this Baker concrete the find out waiting on their answer so sounds like a big a** scam to me

Trisha – Apr 12, 2020

Why use the cdc as a return address on all checks? Have you seen this guys photo? What if somehow like anthrax, he is sending covid19

Melissa – Mar 22, 2020

I received a check was told to deposit it into my checking account and let him know once deposited

Melanie – Mar 03, 2020

Victim Location 85017

Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order

Cashier’s check was sent long with information on how to deposit

Alejandro – Apr 12, 2020

Victim Location 89521

Type of a scam Other

They sent me a message on my phone and asked if I can let them wrap my car and they would send me money every week. So this week they sent me a check for $4,950.00 so I called the bank that it was drawn on and they said it was fake. So I am glad that I did’nt put it in the bank.

Tommy –

Got the same mail with same outcome as all others reporting this thief. Looks to me this has been going on for a long time now. Why is his arrogance still on the loose like Terrorism and not stopped? This thief needs to be dealt with before he causes more of our populations to go homeless. All it takes now days for anybody to fall in the Black Hole is one missed payment!

Gregory –

I am concerned that he is spreading the virus

Hector –

Victim Location 54166

Type of a scam Employment

I received a check for $3900.00 drawn on the Wells Fargo Bank of San Francisco CA with instructions to deposit it as soon as possible and then e mail or txt to the above named man and let him know when funds would be available.. The letter was very specific about knowing when the funds would be available and told me to make sure I inquired about that at the bank.

Confirmation with the told me this was a scam.

Jeremiah –

Scam sent in mail

Luis –

I got the same but with a 325-480-8844 phone number. I called it and for a business the message seemed sketchy. Yea I’ll pass on this scam and the email is [email protected] I liked into this company and address it 1201 Kinne st but I only see 1200 for a business. Don’t ever deposit a check that a company tells you to send or pay someone else from the check it’s a definitely a scam!

Ashleigh –

I was sent a check for $4950 from someone named Steven Niang who said he was the Auto Wrap Campaign Manger. I was told to deposit the check into my account and let them know when the funds were available to be withdrawal by text or e-mail. My monthly salary is $2000 and I should send the rest to technician/installer. They will be coming over to install the wrap on my car as soon as I let them know what day. Submit confirmation of deposit within 24 hours to receive extra $200 Amazon gift voucher. Also send a confirmation of deposit by sending/attaching a copy of deposit slip to [email protected] this number (310) 627-8142.

I email questions, and never receive any answers. The more I think about, this incident the more I am convinced this is a SCAM! Somehow, in the END, if I deposited this check I would OWE, the bank $4950.00 in the end. Too many unanswered questions and I am going to return the check. I haven’t heard anything since.

Mandy –

I also received a check same instructions. But to text 310-627-8142. I would email questions and never receive any answers, just more instructions. I finally sent an email saying I didn’t want to do it due to too many unanswered questions and I would return the check. I haven’t heard anything since.

Craig –

Victim Location 95361

Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order

I was sent a check for $4950 from someone named Steven Niang who said he was the Auto Wrap Campaign Manger. I was told to deposit the check into my account and let them know when the funds were available to be withdrawal by text or e-mail. My monthly salary is $2000 and I should send the rest to technician/installer. They will be coming over to install the wrap on my car as soon as I let them know what day. Submit confirmation of deposit within 24 hours to receive extra $200 Amazon gift voucher. Also send a confirmation of deposit by sending/attaching a copy of deposit slip to [email protected] this number (323) 329-4048

Ruth –

Me too I Received the Check of $4,950.00 dollars. I searched the Micro Machine Shop and doesn’t match with the Addresses too. Such a Fishy Wrap Advertisements…😡

Ashlee –

Victim Location 77706

Type of a scam Employment

Got this in the mail by FedEx, in the FedEx mail was instructions from Steven Niang from Auto Wrap Campaign Mgr.  Stating if I get my vehicle wrap with other companies advertising I would get $500.00 on a weekly basis.  The check I got in the mail was for $3950.00 Cashiers Check to me, from a Northrim Bank.  As soon as the check is deposit, text them back.  Then they wanted me to withdrawn the money out in 24 hours, email them when i do.  THen they will call me with instructions on how to get the car wrap and to mail sure my phone is on so I can make payments to them.  When I deposit the money in my bank they will give me an extra $200, Amazon gift voucher which will be posted to my address.  Text the number (323) 305-9615 and send confirmation of deposit by sending/attching a copy of deposit slip to [email protected]

Pleae note, kindly mark out any sensitive informationa bout your account that will be revealed on the deposit slip.  I look forwar to hearing from you.

Allen –

Victim Location 37042

Type of a scam Employment

I was sent a text stating I can earn up to 400.00 a week to get my car wrapped with amp energy drink advertising. I went as far as depositing the cashiers check for 2980.00. they wanted me to send a person in Illinois some money orders valuing 2450. leave the money orders blank and also send them the receipt. after my wife and I talked about it we decided this is a scam I have not done anything with the money they sent me to deposit.

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