Auto Extended Warranty

Drew –

Victim Location 14843

Type of a scam Phishing

Called several times. I said I was not interested. Told them to take me off calling list. Called back soon after to ask questions and was himg up on several times before I could finish my question. Finally spoke with someone named Elane. She was short in conversation then told me she would have to call me back after asking me personal information that I would not provide her because I was not believing what she was saying.

Juan –

Victim Location 13116

Type of a scam Phishing

got me to say yes i want to speak to a representitive about an extended warranty

Jeremiah –

Victim Location 47715

Type of a scam Other

Recieved several phone calls from different numbers claiming to be the same place nissian/vehicle extended warranties.. They said my car warranty was expiring and offered an extended warranty. They transferred me several times untill I got a so called finance supervisor who didn’t like it when I said I would not ve giving him money or my bank I formation. He proceded to arguing with me and engage me in a very unprofessional manner. At that moment I knew it was a scam. He tried desperatly to get my information twlling me my car would break down and how bad I would feel for not giving him a hundred dollar deposit. I proceded to tell him I dont do buisness without consulting my husband and was not interested in his offer. He got very aggitated with me and continued arguing very unprofessional like. He asked me if I didnt want his offer then why am I still on the phone…. Who acts like that? I knew it was a scam and told him I was reporting them to the BBB and hung up.

Ashley –

Victim Location 14701

Type of a scam Phishing

I have been contacted on 3 occasions, twice today by a company that supposedly offers "Extended Warranties" for cars. According to the recorded message you receive when answering the calls an extended warranty on my vehicle is about to expire, and this is my last chance to renew it. During the first call I received today, I followed the instructions and pressed "1" to speak to a representative after which a person immediately came on the line and asked for the make, model and year of my vehicle to verify my information. Knowing this is a common tactic used by scammers, I immediately told her "I was hoping you could tell me the same because I’m not sure which vehicle you are calling about." after which she repeated that they needed the information and I hung up. When I received the second call today, with the same recording, I immediately hung up, and attempted to dial both numbers back. The first, rang as disconnected, and from the second I received a busy signal.

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