Attorney Rozsa Gyene

Nicholas –

Victim Location 90212

Type of a scam Other

I would like to file a complaint against attorney Rozsa Gyene (CA license number #208356) based her violation of laws including the California Rules of Professional Conduct. I would like to seek discipline for an attorney’s failure to refund unearned fees.

On Oct. 28, 2016, I found attorney Rozsa Gyene on the internet, and she was promoting a “last day deal” of creating a living trust for $495 (value of $1,900). Now, I understand that it was never a promotion deal because she kept changing the date proactively

We connected over text message, and then followed up with a phone call where I explained what I need to revoke my old trust by creating a new trust (customized to my needs). I communicated to Rozsa my initial concern of using templates from other online services for creating trusts as it can have potential liability issues for anyone in the future. I needed a very simplified version reflecting only heir/trustee – my daughter. Rosza reassured me that she is a high profile attorney and ONLY does personalized trusts and DOES NOT uses standard templates. She emailed me a retainer agreement . I signed it and emailed her old trust documents for review and personal information. We agreed that in a week I would have everything completed, revised and notarized in my hands.

After that, Rosza asked for a portion of the money, $245, over PayPal to be sent to her by personal transfer to avoid transaction fees. It was only until later on when I finally understood that she took advantage of me because, according to the retainer agreement, I am not obligated to pay her until the services were concluded no deposits were required, and the use of personal transfers on PayPal prohibits dispute of refunds, as it is not a transaction for merchant/services provided.

After Rozsa got the money, her approach and communication to me changed completely. Nothing was done in a week as promised. She kept finding excuses for not getting it done. She neglected my email where I provided her all of the necessary personal information for creating a new trust document. She refused to review my previous trust documents and asked to fill out her own form, which she probably used for HER templates. She also threatened me to discontinue working with her (I was naive and should have immediately gotten my money back). Later on she emailed me a package of “completed customized trust documents” where my trust name was misspelled and negligently written in variety of ways. Templates were clearly used, which was obvious with the “XYZC” template placeholders that were not even erased. Also, the document was full of text that did not apply to my situation at all. She never asked any of my legal questions about probate court appointed trustee or reflected that in my trust documents.

I believe that I have stated and may present enough evidence that the attorney’s failure to perform competently was indeed intentional, reckless and repeated.

a) Attorney Gyene’s actions should be deemed intentional in regards to the fact that she deliberately deceived me (and the public) with the misinformation written on her website. Her numerous verbal statements falsely insured me that she will not be using templates to create the Trust documents. There are text records that confirm her intentional negligence to read the previous trust documents that I shared with her via email, and her failure to incorporate my necessary add-ons into the trust. She was well aware of her lies about “not using templates and providing personally drafted Trust documents”, and she therefore intentionally made me pay her in advance over PayPal as a friend so I could never file a dispute to retrieve my money back for the services that were not performed.

b) Attorney Gyene’s actions should be deemed reckless in regards to the fact that she clearly did not overlook her formatting of my Trust. She also precipitously refused to acknowledge my adding and removing requests in regards to my old Trust. Her intentional recklessness and refusing to review my old trust documents and not informing the necessity of me having to revoke the Power of Attorney, which could have potentially resulted in my loss of millions of dollars since those stated under this lethal document no longer hold friendly relations with me. Her actions were undoubtedly negligent and reckless, as she did not consider the fact that the negative consequences that will result from her actions would both affect my family and me.

c) Attorney Gyene’s actions should be deemed repeated in regards to the fact that she had not only reiterated her denouncing of the use of templates on several occasions, but she also used them in several instances in my inefficiently, insufficiently done Trust. After she had received the money, she constantly acted without her customer’s best interest in mind and transformed her mindset into an unfaithful, selfish one. She still continues to misconstrue her identity through false advertisement to the public pursuant to the California Rule of Professional Conduct 1-400 (D) and unfair business practices governed under the civil Federal Preemption of Business Professions Code section 17200.

We as customers and regular people look up to attorneys as civilized beings who represent honesty, justice and a proper education of the law, and it is sad that attorneys like her are tainting the name of American Justice. She should be warned and disciplined, as well as have her unprecedented actions be acknowledged. All in all, I would just like my money back and to have her pernicious actions to be brought to the public awareness.

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