Atlantis Ice Shop

Wendy –

Victim Location 32013

Total money lost $45

Type of a scam Online Purchase

On instagram there was an advertise for Atlantis Ice Shop and they said that they were searching for brand ambassadors. It was featured that you receive five free watches and that all you have to do is to pay the shipping. In return you would had to advertise these watches to your followers and offer them 30% discount via code that would have been given to you. Of course shipping wasn t cheap if you order five watches. Anyway I clicked on the featured link and it led me to their pngage which is and there are 13 watches to chose. Then you click apply for ambassador aplication. I ve applied myself and after one day on my mail I got the message "Thanks for Applying!" "Thank you for applying to the Atlantis Ice ambassador program! We are currently reviewing your application and will reach out to you within 24 hours with our decison. Best of luck! The team at Atlantis Ice." After only two hours they send a mail "CONGRATS You re in." "They said that they are happy to chose me as an ambassador and so on… be proud, we are very exclusive in our selection process etc… Then I got the code with which I got 100% discount on my order. All I had to do was to pay the shipping they said, and in return recommend their products to my friends and followers by giving them discount code for 30% off their entire order. They said since demand to enter their ambassador program was very high they asked to order watches within 24 hours of receiving the mail. "If you fail to do so, we will assume you are no longer interested and give your spot to someone else. Congrats again and welcome to our team! Visit our shop and claim your watches!" End of e mail was signed "All the best, Jacob Wright, Director of Ambassador Recruitment. I didnt answered and for about 20 hours I got another mail "We are holding your spot!" "Hi we just wanted to remind you that you have been accepted in our ambassador program and that you still have 3 more hours to claim your free watches! They said they are excited to add me to their team and that "you will be hearing from us again shortly with shipping info! Again "Remember all you have to do is to cover shipping and recommend our products. Congrats again… etc… It was signed again by Jacob Wright. As a fool I really did ordered the watches and paid 45,73 dollars for shipping. I got mail that said Thank you for your purchase! We are getting your order ready to be shipped. We will notify you when it has been sent. Order seemed like a truth everything seemed right. Within 24h they had to notify me. After 24h nothing happend so I wrote Hi When will you send the watches? There was no answer of course and I contacted them again saying that they notify me when they send. Then I got some lousy answer thanks for ordering! All orders are shipped out within 24 hours. Have a great day! I decided to be patient and wait a few days. After few days I didn t got nothing of course. I we wrote after that that I want my money back. Of course I got nothing. That s my story how I was scammed. Beware dont be greedy and check everything.



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