Victim Location 44625
Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan
Con artists created a fake angel investment company. Asia Pacific Investment House. They created many false "fluffer" websites that put out fake news "press releases" to make it seem legit. When you reach out to them, they have you submit business plans and official legal documents which can cost money depending on the request. There are phone calls and skyping session that make things seems legit. After hours of work and promises a "rough draft" contract is delivered that requires an up front capital raising fee be paid. $70,000 was the amount requested in this case. This fee is hidden and never mentioned prior. This allows you invest hours of your time and emotionally attach you to the project so you are more likely to want to believe it’s a legitimate fee. The truth is, it is an elaborate hoax. The names of the contacts given are made up slightly mispelled real people. One went by Pierre Moerland which is a purposeful mispelling of Pierre Moreland-a real angel investor for a company called *** in Florida. Asia Pacific Investment House used to be called Shangai and Hong Kong Investment House before they got shut down. When this (APIH) gets shut down another will open. There are multiple version of the apih website. The domain names are show many of the common fluffer websites tied to the register’s name. Matt Welder in Sunnydale CA is one. The other has Pierre Moerland as the domain register but the address is a PO and a search of the phone number will lead you to an English tutoring business that had been discontinued in Sunntvale CA.
My girlfriend’s father fell victim trying to do right by his family. He didn’t have the money for the fee and asked his kids for it. They almost took out a loan to give him the money. If I hadn’t stepped in and done some digging, they would have. The family is pretty beat up about it. Entrepreneurs beware.