aschwegler agro limited

Julia –

Type of a scam Credit Cards

This individual texted me from a Salt Lake City area code.

"Good day, am lawrence aschwelger i wanna know if you can handle website design for a new company."

I said yes and that he should email me instead. We corresponded for an hour while I tried to get information from him about the website he wanted. When I gave him a very high quote, he didn’t hesitate to say yes and offered a $5,000 deposit right away. I had not even asked for one yet. RED FLAG.

"Sound good, thank for your response, am glad you can work with my budget. i wanna proceed so i will be depositing $5000 so work can commence ASAP, i understand the content for this site would be needed so as for the job to commence so regarding the content i will need a Lil favor .."

He refused to use Paypal but instead wanted to use invoice2go ( or Stripe (

I know it is a scam at this point. I believe the scam is that they use a stolen credit card to pay the invoice. They pay more than the amount I asked for and then want me to send them a cheque or something. Not sure, but they claim to be located in Salt Lake City.

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