Victim Location 60585
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
The scammer :
Name: Anthony Wiley
Address: 18111 Dallas Parkway Suite 700
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Zip code: 75287.
FedEx only
This was one of the emails after receiving the initial fake check.
We are glad that you are willing to be a part of AQUAFINA® car advertisement and we would like to inform you that everything is in place for you to get started. Adequate arrangements have been made.The upfront payment check for the promotions has been sent to you and delivered.
Now that you have receive the Check,it should be taken to your bank for deposit or through the ATM OR THROUGH YOUR ONLINE APPLICATION. Email me the snap shot of deposit receipt once the deposit has been made. It takes a few hours for the funds to be available, and once the funds are available,you are to keep $500 for the service you are rendering (put decal on your car) as an upfront payment. The rest balance of $3,000 which you are required to send to the installer is the payment for the Auto-decal installation,maintenance and removal as well as the cost of the transportation of the installer to and fro your address
The decal company has graphic artists nationwide who will come to any where in your area that you want to meet them in person to get the installation done.A graphic artist will be assigned in to get the decal done. The balance of $3,000 should be send to the decal name and address provided,So once they received their funds, they will send down the decal installer along with the decal logo/sticker to get the Car decal done. It is imperative the funds should be done as soon as the funds become available in your account. So get back to me if you understand this so I can give you the installer’s information to send the remaining funds.