american pitbull terrier puppies

Donna –

Victim Location 47542

Type of a scam Other

I was looking for a new puppy and found one I liked on this website. I got in contact with them through email. I’m always a little cautious with things like this but something about this whole deal seemed odd right away and it made me question alot of things. The guy was avoiding alot of questions, he wanted me to wire transfer money to him for the dog and he said the dog would then be put on a plane. With me being suspicious i looked up the ip address information. There was alot of things that didn’t add up and by this time i was pretty positive it was a scam. I told him i would just drive the 10hrs to come get the dog but he would never give me an address just said to call when i got in the state, he then quit responding to me. I never sent the money. I didn’t report it right away but it’s been over a month and a half and i checked that website and he is still displaying the same puppies for sale. I should of said something sooner i hope nobody got scammed by this guy.

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