Victim Location 41179
Type of a scam Phishing
Special Olympics Processing Center P.O. Box 141578 Austin, TX 78714. Trish Mazzoni President/CEO Special Olympics Kentucky. Letter states that an employee of Special Olympics email account was red flagged for phishing emails and SOKY launched an investigation with leading forensic investigation firm which determined that an unauthorized actor obtained email login credintials for certain SOKY employees, the investigation was unable to determine what information was obtained by the unknown actor."It was determined that the accounts may contain certain information related to you." SOKY claims to have AllClear ID protect my identity for 12 months at no cost to me. Gives contact information: AllClear Identity Repair This service is automatically available with no enrollment required. If a problem arises, simply call 18552632174 and a dedicated investigator will help recover financial losses, restore your credit and make sure your identity is returned to its proper condition. AllClear Fraud Alerts with Credit Monitoring includes a one million dollar identity insurance policy can sign up online at please note following enrollment additional steps are required by you to activate your phone alerts and fraud alerts, and pull your credit score and credit file, and monitor your monitoring options. The letter also included information to contact Experian POBox 9554 Allen TX 75013 18883973742 TransUnion POBox 2000 Chester, PA 19016 18889098872 Equifax POBox 105788 Alanta, GA 30348-5788 18006851111