Type of a scam Home Improvement
They present them self as being from Alberta Eco Energy Efficiency at your door or phone ahead, Telling they are in the neighborhood and are to check your heating system for qualify for upgrading. ( something that get you to believe they come from utility company, maybe Alberta Energy savings program or federal, as many of the new programs to save energy and carbon emission are partly unknown to most.) As bewildered, it sounds like something worth considering, one let the " Inspector" in to see your 20 some year heater. and he declare it definitely qualify for upgrading, ( It could fall apart anytime)
Asking to see your utility bill to discover how much fuel the old system use and declare one could save so much money, you can litter lye deposit money in your bank you save after paying for their service. A computer calculation are made for you to look like it possible – A contract is made up to show they take your equipment away and will install new efficient equipment and you pay only so much a month, looks inviting, all free of maintenance cost. – But I do not own the equipment. the contract is for 10 years regardless if you sell the place. After 10 years you may be able to buy for a price they set and maintain, or if the company sell the contract or collapse it could be worse. ( no heat in the middle of the winter)
This scheme would have cost $ 16.800 for the 10 years for equipment they could not tell what were to be installed. – I canceled the contract and had the best upgrade done for the cost of $ .6370.
I was lucky to get sound advice, canceled and got an local dependable contractor.
How can this scammer be stopped. It looks like they may have no licence to operate here, no business address, only agents on the street with mobile phone and rented vehicles, the phone # 403 775 0396. This look like it may be out of Calgary, but do not give any valid credential.
The TV news warning people about the scheme has not stopped them, as they were back here to see if I was ripe to be taken