Agent Gary Thompson

Cristina – Sep 18, 2020

Victim Location 78224

Type of a scam Government Grant

Agent Thompson used my friend Bryan Gutierrez but it was a fake Bryan Gutierrez telling me to give this Agent Thompson my money just like he did and I’d be given cash through FedEx at my door step, they asked for my email,any phone number, social security, address, a copy of my DL , and my Facebook account and password plus my email..I caught on too late, I noticed my friend was talking too intelligent when he always used slang and gang language. I want to send you both snap shots of their conversations but looks like I could only send one. They are both still my friends on messenger they think I’m trying to get the money together and I still get texes from both of them mostly Agent Thompson , they have no idea I’m onto them, so please get in contact with me, use KOOKY as a code when u call me so I know your not scamming me so I can let u in my Facebook or maybe Facebook can give u permission to catch these two, they are still on my messenger so please catch them I’m under Gina Rae Iorio. My number is 210-707-0009

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