Darren –

Victim Location 49505

Total money lost $800,000

Type of a scam Investment

WE HAVE PERSONALLY LOST OUR BUSINESS IN HONG KONG AND LOST OUR SAVINGS FROM THE BANK ACCOUNTS, AND TOOK OUR PERSONAL SAVINGS TOO. Mr. *** /ADF have been charged for money laundering of a stolen funds from USA and later, after returning the funds got the case dismissed in HK. He stole from funds from our company and caused illegal criminal charges due to his association. They continue to have 3 criminal cases in Hong Kong. Yet, they claim as not true.

It came to my knowledge that there many Victims like us who are suffering and do not know what to do cross borders chasing this group. One of the Japanese paper reports around 16million dollars were stolen from Japanese and other investors. We have lost our savings from our business account which was kept for the purpose of commodity trade.

Adf group limited is a fraudulent shell company is set up to gain self wealth for the founder and his partners.  ***, zambian national who is a conman, claimed to be a billionaire from zambia. He claimed to be an asset manager to the president zuma of south africa and many other politicians around the world including president zulu, zambia. *** claims to be the next president of zambia. He claims to be the future poliitcal leader of zambia and united states of africa. If his victims questions him, he threatens them that he is a very very big man, his henchman can pick any body up in 30mins. Claims to be a religious voodoo practitiaoner that he has special angels he worship in jesus name to kill any one that quesitons him

Mr. *** and his partners ***and ***are all not trustworthy. A paid rubber stamp directors. They do not have much to say. Their office in HK and SA are nonfunctional and shut down.

They have opened offices in hong kong, switzerland and uk. Took upfront fees in exchange of issuing bank instruments and project funding. Collected a few millions and shut their offices and ran to south africa. They bought assets in zambia, london, south africa and living like a kings. They continue to claim the billions are on the way and it will be released in any minute. The paupers became wealthy business man in 2years. The wealthy business men became pauper by helping these conman. They showed fake fraudulent emails from various top notch banker like from ceo hsbc, uk and other banks to convince people not to go after them and enticing them that billions are coming. They are going to share this good fortunes with selected people to make them billionaires.

They have used small business owners companies to use for the money laundering. Destroyed the lives of innocent people. We have contacted below so called directors who has no knowledge or understanding of their company.

It is the conclusion that adf group limited is a phoney, fraudulent company out there to scam people. People must not pay any more upfront fees to these people. These are international criminals.

Directors in this fraud company are;

adfgroupltd . com / ADF Group Limited is an Organized Crime group, International FRAUD, SCAM, Ponzi Scheme, headed by ***bian Passport no ZP009563, his partners are Dr.***, a Kenya national, *** Owusu African native, ***Kum Hong Kong national, Ms ***, ***, ***, his partners portraid on the website are ***, Dr. ***, ***, ***. AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT FUNDING GROUP LTD. adfgroupltd . com / is a Fraud, scam, money laundering company, offering Millions of Project funding a free money to SME businesses, who are stealing their bank accounts to money lauder from stolen funds to be transferred, they were caught and are arrested by the commercial crime beau rue of investigation, were caught with criminal Cases in 2015. Despite the fact, they still managed to steal 17million dollars from Japanese, through ADF Japan, Hong Kong. About 35million in USA, They have purchased the aged companies and renamed it to be their company to pretend to have their presence for a long time. They forged Bank Documents, and manage to steal people’s money. Once, they have enough funds, they have set up several new business entities, with these stolen funds. Today, they boast about the wealthy billionaires in SA. They claim they are the billionaire investors and threaten people with scary things. All these shell companies are set up to scam and steal people’s money to get rich. His counter parts and beneficiaries of this fake companies are…ADF Technology(Pty), ADF construction (Pty), ADF Mining(PTY), ADF Estates(PTY), ADF Security(Pty), ADF Plant Leases & Hire(Pty), ADF Agriculture(Pty),ADF Mining CORPORATION LTD (09748627) 20-22, Wenlock Road, London, England, N1 7GU, RISING ESTATES(PTY) LIMITED (09748627), 44 Lloyd court, Pinner, United Kingdom, HA51EF. LUSENGA WORLD CORPORATION LTD, 20-22 WENLOCK ROAD, LONDON, ENGLAND N17GU, ADF CAPITAL AG, GROUP, OIL AND GAS PETROLEUM COMPANY, MUDOLO FOUNDATION USA, ADF made headlines news in Japanese news paper in July, on 17th of 2017, consumer complaints . in / african-development-funding-group-limited-project-funding-scammer-and-fraudster-…⇄ shimbashishinpou . jimdo . com / Prior to 2014 they hardly had any money, mostly acquired through scams, PLEASE DO NOT PAY ANY UPFRONT FEES, DO NOT BELIEVE BILLIONS OF PROJECT FUND STORY. ASK THEM TO RETURN THE STOLEN FUNDS TO THE VICTIMS FIRST, INSTEAD OF BUYING ASSETS AND ACCUMULATING SELF THE WEALTH. STOP BELIEVING THEIR FAKE DOCUMENTS. ADF, a non profit organisation with hyped up false claims. WHY DO AN NGO NEEDS THIS MANY ENTITIES TO SHOWOFF?? how do the funds donated to *** foundation? unless the funds are stolen from general public??

It also came to our knowledge that ADF is fully shut down in HK and there are 3 criminal cases against them in Hong Kong.

It’s a foolishness for us to believe that these people are real funders. and

We have complained about in They some how managed to set up a fake story, coveringup their criminality with colorful digital pictures, and Ripoff claims to do their third party investigation. They have never contacted me or any of the victims, the offices do not exist in HK, and SA or UK, so which offices they visited?

It is sad to see there are online sites that supports criminal and backs them up for the fees?

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