ABS Anderson, Burges & Smith

Lindsay –

Victim Location 33901

Total money lost $20

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

I received a very legitimate looking letter from ANDERSON, BURGES & SMITH

PB, 363, 26 Railroad Ave. Babylon, NY 11702 from a Roger Wheeler claiming to be the Treasurer, Cash-Award Signator for the payments Division stating that on December 15, 2015 their offices identified by computer readout that I, (my full name), holder of sequence number 60052383235, You Have Definitely Won a cash prize. CONGRATULATIONS! ***$3,900,000 THREE MILLION NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS***STANDS TO BE PAID AND YOU’RE HOLDING THE WIN OPPORTUNITY DOCUMENTS IN YOUR HANDS RIGHT NOW!

Here’s all you need to do to finalize your claim:

First, take note of this number 60052383235, Keep this in your records as it is your personal claim number. Now proceed to page two of these documents to ensure that all of your personal information on the check image here reproduced in microfiche is accurate. Because something as simple as an incorrect address could mean absolute disaster. Then, once you’ve verified your information, sign, date, and sent us the document with your one-time processing fee of $20 in the envelope herewith. Once in hand, our offices will process your claim and rush to you your check and report particulars by return post.

However, (my name), be warned that sponsor-set deadlines are in effect. For this reason you are urged to Rush your delivery document and fee to our offices so that we may ensure your eligibility for your award check and reported prize opportunity for which you have been comfirmed eligible to receive. Do not delay as this could nullify your check claim status and forfeit your right to your reported prize win opportunity.

Please, do not let this happen, (my name). Go to the attached documentation as indicated and sent it to us TODAY. Be assured our staff is standing by to process your claim and Rush you your Awards-Check and other particulars as detailed in Report of Entrants Directives without delay. Please allow me on the auspicious day to wish you the warmest regards on behalf of all the staff and officers of the Prize Payout Division. Enjoy your Award!

I also received another page with this document that says "GUARANTEED WIN CERTIFICATE" at the top with the No. 78445673 dated 12-11-2015 and shows the image of a check made out to me in the amount of $3,900,000.00 and signed by Roger Wheeler with the personal identification number:60052383235 on it. It even has a barcode at the bottom of the document. The name of the company at the bottom is ANDERSON, BURGES & SMTH PMB 26 Railroad Ave. Babylon, NY 11702.

I am 84 years old and this document looked so realistic that I really believed it. These people should be made to pay for scamming people out of their hard earned money!!! Please do something to put a stop to this kind of scams!! I am so ashamed that I actually believed this! I showed my daughter and she looked it up on her computer and found that it is a scam.

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