Victim Location 80634
Total money lost $560
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Yes,we fell victim to this scam. Bought TeaCup Shihtzu puppy April 29, 2019. Paid with western Union money order…$560. Was to be shipped (Air) April 30, 2019 , with home delivery on April 9, 2019. Shipped via WESTJET. Tuesday was informed by "Westjet Pet Sector" (false name) that puppy was in Gulfport/biloxi, but unshipable further because it needed a special "climate controlled travel crate", for $2000. That’s when the flag went up ! We checked with WestJet Airlines and found that it is a Canadian airline, that does not fly between US cities. The flight supposidly went from Dallas,TX to Gulfport/Biloxi to Fort Collins/Loveland CO We believe that "" is a fradulant company, along with its Air Carrier. "WestJet" Airlines is OK, but a derivative of their name, "WestjetPetSector" (?) is not. We believe "our" teacup shihtzu puppy never existed AND was never shipped. We emailed "a1furbabyshhihtzus", told them they were fradulant, and they treatened to turn our info over to Hackers! Additional info: Joseph Avery and Beverly 682-235-7063 Terrell Hills, TX [email protected] [email protected]
Victim Location 75160
Total money lost $560
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Yes,we fell victim to this scam. Bought TeaCup Shihtzu puppy April 29, 2019. Paid with western Union money order…$560. Was to be shipped (Air) April 30, 2019 , with home delivery on April 9, 2019. Shipped via WESTJET. Tuesday was informed by "Westjet Pet Sector" (false name) that puppy was in Gulfport/biloxi, but unshipable further because it needed a special "climate controlled travel crate", for $2000. That’s when the flag went up ! We checked with WestJet Airlines and found that it is a Canadian airline, that does not fly between US cities. The flight supposidly went from Dallas,TX to Gulfport/Biloxi to Fort Collins/Loveland CO. We believe that "" is a fradulant company, along with its Air Carrier. "WestJet" Airlines is OK, but a derivative of their name, "WestjetPetSector" (?) is not. We believe "our" teacup shihtzu puppy never existed AND was never shipped. We emailed "a1furbabyshhihtzus", told them they were fradulant, and they treatened to turn our info over to Hackers! Additional info: Joseph Avery and Beverly 682-235-7063 Terrell Hills, TX [email protected] [email protected]