Victim Location 56510
Type of a scam Government Grant
You get a friend request from someone you know. If you add them then within a few minutes you get a message with like "Hi how are you doing" after a few more texts the person asks you if you have heard of this great government grant program. They say that they got some large sum of money within hours. They give you some name and a facebook address to contact. You go to that and it has a picture of someone with an official looking background with the agency logo and such. Also the persons official looking info. They tell you to send a certain amount of money by Western Union to some name and address in the Eastern US. The amount goes up as the amount of the grant you choose. If the money transfer goes through your money is lost. I am sorry I have deleted my original info because I reported it originally through Western Union. The attempts stopped. Now lately I have been getting as many as 5 attempts a day. When I ask them some personal information when they are posing as my friend and when they can’t answer I say well good luck with your scam I can’t wait until the FBI or law enforcement gets to you. That ends that attempt. I haven’t proceeded any further since the first time. thanks to Western Union I didn’t loose any money. I hope that between all agencies this will be stopped. I am sorry for not retaining my original information. I hope this report helps in some way.