A.S.A Law Group

Kelly –

Victim Location 11001

Type of a scam Nigerian/Foreign Money Exchange

Scammer sent letter via USPS to a family member claiming to be an attorney representing a deceased client that secretly left them a large sum of money. It claimed that the client would not be listed to protect their privacy, but it was someone to whom they were a caregiver/nurse. It also said to contact them as soon as possible and that working with only this attorney would allow release of the funds. The letter was awkwardly worded and included poor word choice and improper punctuation. Several parts of the letter were in a slightly different font/size, including the phone number listed.

There is a real website associated with the fake law firm (A.S.A Law LLP in Ontario) listed in the letter. Most links do not work, stock images used appear on other websites (most likely scams as well, including the attorney that you are supposed to contact), the contact form doesn’t even have a functioning submit button, and the phone number is not listed on the home page. Email listed differs from that in the letter, but the entire website is a poorly constructed scam (it’s also not accessible).

After calling the number, they asked for signed documents to continue. I do not know what was contained in these documents.

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