Corporate Event Services

Glenn –

Victim Location 06443

Type of a scam Travel/Vacations

Received phone call Thursday, August 22, 2019, around dinner time, guaranteeing $1,600 per week payment for our Getaway Weeks because we are time share owners. I called them back about an hour later as we had been eating dinner. The scam was they would guarantee payment of $1,600 per week to be paid to us within 180 days. Supposedly they were affiliated with RCI. They said they put on big events throughout the country such as the American Auto Show through "Corporate Event Services", coming up in Orlando, and Executives and Professionals look for nice places to stay, and it is not open to college students, etc. We were told we have 6 Getaway Weeks through RCI. (not True). So you could collect guaranteed $1,600 for each of those weeks that the y rent our. The catch is you have to pay them $399 the first year to activate those weeks. then later on in the conversation they said you have to pay them $399 for each of those weeks that you want to rent out. (Red Flag). When we questioned them, would this be using the weeks we have earned with our time share company, the answer was NO.( Red Flag) They said they have all the properties they need within RCI. If that is the case why would they call us when we haven’t parked any weeks with RCI and do not have any Getaway Weeks with RCI. ( Red Flag ). Corp Event Services not listed with the in Tampa Florida, neither is CES Rentals – Sales. I think CES Rentals is using the Corp Event Services company as their cover for this scam.

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