Cool Events LLC

Katelyn –

Victim Location 64117

Total money lost $60

Type of a scam Counterfeit Product

We signed up our family to run The Terrain Racein Kansas City, MO on October 12th. They canceled the event the day prior out of nowhere, and have almost no explanation as to why it was canceled. They claimed 7,000 people were signed up. We paid around $60. I’m sure others paid more, and had hotel rooms already picked out.

Garrett –

Victim Location 50266

Total money lost $20

Type of a scam Travel/Vacations

To say I am disappointed is a great misrepresentation of how I really feel.

Check in was scheduled for 6:30pm and the race was scheduled to begin at 8:30pm. When I arrived there was a long line of people standing in the "pick up" line. There was no actual check in for the race. On the website there was NO advertising of paid parking UNTIL the day of the race.

I spent a good amount of time on the race’s website to gain a good idea of what I was about to experience and from the pictures I saw I was very excited.

The race was actually only 1.9 miles and zigzagged in the parking lot for majority of the race. People were all over and there was no designation of where runners/joggers should be and where walkers could be. There was trash all over the place and I came home completely clean except my shoes being soaked in the "foam". I was fully expecting to be covered head to toe in glow paint or glow foam but wasn’t. And I even stood under the foam specifically trying to get color on my white shirt.

I spent more time waiting in line for the race to start, waiting in line to pick up my packet the day before and walking to and from my car than I did actually at the race. There was no designated finish line or timed finish marker. People were able to cut through the cones just to finish the race early.

The $20 I spent on a cheap tshirt, cheap temporary tattoo that came off in an hour, and the time spent waiting for a 5k race which is supposed to be 3.2 miles was actually 1.9 miles is not worth signing up for another race by this company.

Holly –

Victim Location 55117

Total money lost $52.88

Type of a scam Online Purchase

BubbleRun advertised on Facebook that their early bird registration was about to go up the next day, so register now! BubbleRun looked like an awesome 5K so I signed up. But then last week, I received an email from them saying the event has been moved to a later date. No real explanation, no refunds, nothing. I replied back asking to speak with someone to get a refund. They responded back with a form email saying you can transfer your registration to someone else or sign-up for a different 5K and they will transfer the registration. I responded back saying that I did not want to attend a different 5K and that I was going to contact my credit card company to dispute the charge if they did not issue a refund. The story went in the local news and BubbleRun has not been heard from since. Still no refund though.

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