Century Financial Incorporated

Grace –

Victim Location 43204

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

I am 82 years old. I got a letter from Century Financial Incorporated informing me I am the 2nd prize winner in the second category of the European, African and USA Consumer Sweepstakes in conjunction with USA Department Stores. I won $250,000 from the consumers sweepstakes lottery held on August 28th, 2019. They enclosed a check for $1870 to help pay the processing fee of $1750. I am advised to contact claims agent Mr. James Okinon at 661-622-3020 or 855-220-9446 to start the claim processing and activate the check. I am not to act on this until I have contacted him to "avoid cases of misappropriation and mishandling of prize monies. Please, always call this number on this letter only. To avoid any discrepancy. Do not accept any change of telephone number from anyone. Congratulations, Maria Fantaa, Promotion Manager". At the bottom of the letter there is a dotted line underneath of which it reads: In the presence of the courier, please sign and detach this part and give it to him when you receive your check of US $250,000. If you lose this letter, your payment may be cancelled. First Name __Last Name__ Address__Claim Number__Please sign here__"

Jessie –

Victim Location 40402

Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order

My mother, Alice Sexton received the attached letter and check in the mail. Luckily, she showed it to me before she cashed it and I told her I thought it was a scam. She has not entered a lottery type things, so I told her she wouldn’t be a winner since she hadn’t participated in anything to win. The letter has several addresses on it. She has also been getting phone calls telling her she’s won $8 million and needs to tell them where/ when to meet and that she’ll need to bring $500. I don’t know if the two are related but I told her to stop answering the phone when she sees that number because I’m afraid she’s giving them too much personal information when she talks to them. Like I said, the two may not be related. I don’t have the information for the caller but I made copies of the letter and check. I feel like it’s a scam but am afraid if I don’t check into it and prove it to her, she will try to cash the check. A picture of the check, letter and envelope are attached. My mother’s phone number is: *** if you have further questions. We’re not requesting any action other than verifying if it’s a scam.

Bradley –

Victim Location 44405

Total money lost $1,800

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

My husband is 71 years old. He received a check for $1800 and a letter from Century Financial Incorporated USA office, Rodeo Rd, Los Angeles, CA. The money was to help pay the processing fee. He cashed it at the bank. I think he wired them money. Claims agent Mr. James Osiny, 855-674-3757. They keep sending him stuff even though I got on the phone with them, and told them to stop. He said I would be arrested, I said come on.

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