Claudia –

Victim Location 21228

Total money lost $67

Type of a scam Online Purchase

The item is called C U F F. the website is I ordered a CUFF product on September 13th, 2013. i paid via ***l:

***l logo Sep 13, 2013 16:29:37 PDT

Transaction ID: ***

Hello *** ***,

You sent a payment of $66.75 USD to The Jewelry Gallery

([email protected])

It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account.


The Jewelry Gallery

[email protected]

Instructions to merchant

You haven’t entered any instructions.

Shipping address – confirmed

*** ***

*** *** *** *** *** ** ***

United States

Shipping details

Standard Flat Rate Shipping

Description Unit price Qty Amount

E1 Medium ear cuff Band 1/4inch wide 14K Gold Smooth

$65.00 USD 1 $65.00 USD

Subtotal $65.00 USD

Shipping and handling $1.75 USD

Total $66.75 USD

Payment $66.75 USD

Charge will appear on your credit card statement as "*** *JEWELGALLRY"

Payment sent to [email protected]

Issues with this transaction?

You have 45 days from the date of the transaction to open a dispute in the Resolution Center.

Questions? Go to the Help Center at: www.***.com/help.

Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your ***l account and click Help in the top right corner of any ***l page.

***l Email ID PP120

I received acknowledgement of my order:

Thank you for your pre-order!

Your order confirmation number is ***. Ifyou have any questions or COmments, please email as at [email protected] and deliver was expected, March, as this was a pre-order for a product "soon to be delivered" In March, I contacted the company: To Whom it may concern,

I would like to be advised of a delivery of the item I pre-ordered. At the time of my order, I was told that delivery would begin in March, 2015. Today is March 27, I have NOT received any correspondence or the item which was ordered and paid for in full.

Please see order confirmation.

Thank you in advance for your prompt response to this inquiry.

*** ***-***


I received this response: ##- Please type your reply above this line -##

You are registered as a CC on this support request (***). Reply to this email to add a comment to the request.

Robin Tayl

Robin Taylor (Cuff)

Mar 30, 19:21

Hi ***,

Our apologies to you for the delay. To help you understand the process we are undertaking these next few months, we are starting shipments of the original v.1 edition of the cuff module next month that were placed on orders prior to July of last year. We will begin production and shipments of the v.2 edition of the cuff module (rechargeable battery and fitness features) immediately following that time frame. When you receive your cuff items, you can be assured that you will have the most up to date version that we have available.

Cuff support

*** ***

*** ***-***

Mar 27, 00:22

To Whom it may concern,

I would like to be advised of a delivery of the item I pre-ordered. At the time of my order, I was told that delivery would begin in March, 2015. Today is March 27, I have NOT received any correspondence or the item which was ordered and paid for in full.

Please see order confirmation.

CUFF Jewelry Pre-Order Confirmation.pdf

Thank you in advance for your prompt response to this inquiry.

*** ***-***



CUFF Jewelry Pre-Order Confirmation.pdf

Almost 2 years later, in July 2015, I again sent them an email: Hello Robin Taylor,

I received your email in March of 2015, about the item I ordered in late 2014. Five months after the previous email, I have NO CUFF and I have received no correspondence as to WHEN my order maybe filled.

I would like to know how long is too long to wait. If I owed you money, I KNOW you would wait a year for it. This is an item that has been paid for in full and the non-committital statement made in your previous email from March, makes me once again wonder, if I’ll ever see this product or should I take further action.

I really liked the product, that is why I ordered it. To date, since there has been no product, there is nothing I have to like.

I would like what I paid, or a FIRM delivery date or a refund for a product I paid for and apparently will not be receiving. I don’t understand the unprofessionalism. Good business practice would seem to require a periodic update about something ordered damn near a year ago, but I don’t even get that, unless I contact you to ask why I don’t own a CUFF yet. If you were in my place, would you accept the propaganda you are giving me? I’m very disappointed.

*** ***-***

The response I received was: ##- Please type your reply above this line -##

You are registered as a CC on this support request (***). Reply to this email to add a comment to the request.

Robin Tayl

Robin Taylor (Cuff)

Jul 17, 22:02

Hello ***:

Thank you so much for your pre-order shipment update request and I apologize for frustration our delay in shipping orders has caused you .. I do see that on 9/20/14 you created an account and started an order for a CUFF Premium packages. It looks like you also entered in your M/C credit card and for some reason the charge did not go through and for some unspecified reason was declined. Normally, when the pre-order is completed, the customer would receive an email with a receipt number listed. The receipt numbers look something like # 4 digit number – 4 digit number, i.e #1234-5678. If you authorize me, I can try to resubmit for payment with the M/C card you entered or you can wait and we will contact you before your order ships for payment.

We shipped our first shipment, to our earliest supporters, last month, in June. . All orders are to be shipped by September. We will provide periodic updates and inform you when your order is ready to ship. We will provide periodic updates and inform you when your order is ready to ship.

I noticed that the email address on the customer profile is different than the one you are contacting us on today. The email address is: ***, since we will contact you before the order ships, I wanted to check if this address is still valid.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Much appreciation for your interest of CUFF smart jewelry

*** ***

*** *** (***)

Jul 16, 22:18

This is a follow-up to your previous request #*** "RE: Delivery of order place…"

Hello Robin Taylor,

I received your email in March of 2015, about the item I ordered in late 2014. Five months after the previous email, I have NO CUFF and I have received no correspondence as to WHEN my order maybe filled.

I would like to know how long is too long to wait. If I owed you money, I KNOW you would wait a year for it. This is an item that has been paid for in full and the non-committital statement made in your previous email from March, makes me once again wonder, if I’ll ever see this product or should I take further action.

I really liked the product, that is why I ordered it. To date, since there has been no product, there is nothing I have to like.

I would like what I paid, or a FIRM delivery date or a refund for a product I paid for and apparently will not be receiving. I don’t understand the unprofessionalism. Good business practice would seem to require a periodic update about something ordered damn near a year ago, but I don’t even get that, unless I contact you to ask why I don’t own a CUFF yet. If you were in my place, would you accept the propaganda you are giving me? I’m very disappointed.

*** ***-***

This email is a service from Cuff. *** ** *** *** * *** *** *** *** * *** *** *** *** ***

My response:

Hello Robin,

Thank you for your quick response to my inquiry. I do apologize, I ordered the Cuff, so long ago, I forgot what credit card I used for payment. I lost my wallet several months ago and all my credit cards had to be re-issued. So please do not re-submit a request to the original credit card number on the order.

Please contact me when the item is ready to ship and I will provide a current form of payment. The email: "***" is my current, main email address, so any and all correspondence sent to this address gets checked much more frequently, than the *** email, but that address is still valid as well.

I look forward to hearing from you soon and I Still look forward to receiving the Cuff.

*** ***-***

I was then sent this email:

##- Please type your reply above this line -##

You are registered as a CC on this support request (***). Reply to this email to add a comment to the request.

Robin Tayl

Robin Taylor (Cuff)

Jul 17, 22:33

Hello again ***:

Thank you for being so responsive and letting me know that you would prefer to wait for your order shipment and then provide payment. No apology necessary, we have all been there and replacing credit cards is not a fun experience.

I have updated your email address so it will be the one that is seen regularly. You can respond when we contact you for payment and to verify your shipment address so you can anticipate it arrival.

Thank you for your inquiry.

I made the original payment via ***l, which was associated with a credit card, but the payment would have come out right away. I was still interested in the product, so I looked at the website today (1/24/16), three years later, I’m still seeing a "pre-order" situation, which means this company hasn’t sent one piece of product to out. They have not contacted me, about delivery, since the last email, so I’m led to believe, that this is a scam. People need to be aware, that you are asked to pre-order and pay for something you are never going to get. Again the website is:

Hoping at least my complaint will be registered with the BBB, to assist in protecting other consumers.

*** ***


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