Victim Location 02882
Type of a scam Employment
The company is hacking people credit cards and using people to repackage and reship merchandise.
Victim Location 32780
Total money lost $2,700
Type of a scam Employment
The company will ship you packages, addressed to names other than yourself, have you open, take 4-6 pictures, upload on their site, then send you a shipping label to ship to another person in the US.
As far as I can tell, they use stolen credit cards to purchase, send to you as a middle man, then have you reship after they have sold on ebay. The labels they produce are generated from ebay sales.
You work for 30 days on probation, where you are then supposed to be paid $2700. After 30 day probation, they pay you weekly for the shipments. However, they never really pay you. Just use you to handle their illegal business. You are therefore out your time, gas, supplies, and are at risk for being involved with internet fraud.