Church of GOD International Ministeries

Carmen –

Victim Location 66502

Type of a scam Romance

Jack Boyer is sending me harassing mail, phones calls, sending church literature , sending gifts, harassing calls to parents, called police in North Webster, Indiana , Officer Candy- 574-834-2700 , Adult Protection Services 574-235-5092, Post office Postmaster and numerous other sources regarding mailing of church literature with a perverted letter . Going on since October 2015 and now hopefully ended. Blocked calls, with verizon. Church organization is allowing a mentally sick man to mail perverted letters with church literature to people -me and my parents and using a P.O. Box number not real address as it is 905 Main Street? Post office allowing man to rent a box for this and do they have knowledge of it? Does wife have knowledge of this and is church in this scam as well ?

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