Corgi puppies for adoption

Tony – Sep 04, 2020

Victim Location 32809

Type of a scam Online Purchase

In the search to find a puppy for my family, my sister found this Facebook page with corgi puppies for sale. She contacted the Facebook Page named "Corgi Babbies Available" and during the conversation they offer a good deal for a puppy. I took over the conversation for my sister and asked the seller for more information. I asked for their phone number, which they replied to only contact them through Facebook messenger app. I asked for their availability which was after 4pm. The seller asked for a deposit of $200 to secure the transaction to purchase the corgi puppy. The seller stated they had many inquiries, they insisted in sending a deposit. Since I have an open schedule, I told the seller I’m able to drive from Orlando to their location. I asked the seller for their address, which the seller replied the address of 36 Ristona Dr, Savannah, GA 31419. I searched the address on Google Maps and it appeared to be a legit house, which made the sale seem less suspicious. However, I still felt suspicious that it might be a scam due to the pictures posted online seemed stolen from sites like Pinterest, lack of information and location posted on the Facebook page, and kept on persisting to make a deposit. In Facebook messenger, we continued to chat and agreed to meet the next day (Wednesday 09/02/2020) at 4PM…. My partner and I drove from Orlando to the seller’s address. An hour before arriving, I messaged the seller that I would be an hour late, which they responded with "Okay" at 3:06PM. We arrived at the seller’s house at 4:48PM and messaged them on Facebook that I arrived, which I received no response. We waited a few minutes before I got out the car to ring their doorbell (doorbell with a video camera). After 5min, there was no answer. I noticed 2 cars in the driveway and all window shades were closed. We decided to leave to get gas/food and went to Walmart while we wait for the seller to respond. At 6:27PM, we arrived at the sellers address again, and noticed there was a missing car. I knocked and rang the doorbell twice, and still no answer. We waited in the car for 5 min, and then decided to park away from the home and wait for someone to show up. At 6:44PM, the other car (Chevy ***** Georgia Plate: *******) came to the house. We then pulled up to the driveway, and I got out the car to introduced myself while my partner stayed in the car. The person who got out the car was a male (white, 5ft 7inches, ~22 years of age, glasses). I told the person that I’m here for the puppy for sale from Facebook. The person had a shock look on his face and stated that he doesn’t know anything and that its maybe the neighbor next door or across the street. I noticed that he was shaking and looked nervous. He asked if I had the right address, which I said yes and verified the address. The person asked "what kind of puppy are they selling? I have a pitbull". I told him just a puppy which he stated that I have the wrong address. I turned around and went back to my car. My partner in the car told me he took pictures of the person and his vehicle for our protection. Since then, my message to the seller was never read on Facebook messenger and they did not respond. The last message I received from the seller was "Okay" at 3:06PM. My partner and I drove back home to Orlando while contacting the Savannah Police Department for assistance with the situation, which they recommended to file a police report online.

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