Victim Location 98087
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
Secret Shopper Scam (Kroger) – Received an unsolicitied priority 2 day mailer from one Gabriel Herrera Laroe 651 Pfister Dr. Aspen CO 81611 including a Cashiers check from Independent Bank for $1900 made out to my wife. Along with the check was a one page instruction sheet telling her that she should cash the check, then keep $300 for her services, plus use the other $1600 to buy a list of items as a secret shopper. She was to buy $500 in iTunes gift cards from a Kroger store, $500 in Steam gift cards from a Walgreen’s store, and $500 in Steam gift cards from a Target store. Not sure what Steam is. Also they tell you to use $50 to buy yourself groceries??? And the last $50 is for your next assignment, which is not listed. Then it goes on to tell you to evaluate the store with some questions to answer for each store. After you get done shopping you are to email someone named Greg Sturge at [email protected] and text him at 608-535-4020. He will then give you an address where to send the gift cards and fake questions back to them. So they end up with $1500 in gift cards and you will end up with $350 in cash and $50 in groceries, but then the check will bounce. You will be responsible to cover the entire $1900 check.