beautiful emails

Chad –

Victim Location 11021

Type of a scam Other

For MONTHS I have endlessly been trying to unsubscribe from these miserably annoying emails that are hawking everything from penis enlargement to weight loss, skin care, the selling of timeshares, apartment rentals, buying and selling homes and cars, credit cards and services, cable, tv and internet services, all manner of insurance, loans and home improvements, etc … All to no avail. Although they and the companies that advertise through them keep promising to remove me from their mailing lists, it has yet to happen. These mails still keep coming in the amounts of 12 to 25 A DAY.

And the thing of it is: I not only have absolutely no interest in or use for any of this garbage whatsoever, I NEVER, EVER do any kind of business or order anything at all from the web. Hence, I regard ALL unsolicited emails as being both spam and a scam.

Beautiful Emails a very well-done website, but it is geared to companies which advertise by email, and no email address is given to actually mail to them directly. I want it all to stop. PERIOD!

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