Brian Harris/ Avalon Healthcare Group

Tyrone –

Victim Location 27816

Type of a scam Employment

Contacted regarding an "at-home" data entry position.The gentleman stated his name was Brian Harris, telephone number 812-624-5464, and uses the email address [email protected] The gentleman states he is the hiring manager for the "firm" Avalon Healthcare Group.

He contacted me via text message, and we continued discussions via Google+ . The position, he stated, would pay $35.75/hour and the maximum hours allowed per week was 30. During the "briefing", extensive information regarding the job, benefits, etc. were discussed. The exchange went as follows:

Okay.. *This is a Full Time/Part Time Job. Overtime is 1.5 time above regular pay.

*Pay mode: Direct Deposit, Wire Transfer or Checks

*Hourly payment: $35.75/hour

*Working hours: Maximum amount per week is 30 hours.

*Benefits include: 401k, health and dental, paid vacation and 2 weeks sick leave

*You will be enrolled for Benefits after 4 weeks.

*You have to keep strict record of time and activities. A time sheet would be sent to you every Friday for monitoring (In your own format).

Brian • Jun 28, 1:52 PM


Jun 28, 1:52 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITY: Tracks data and source documents. Prepares and sorts source documents, and identifies and interprets data to be entered. Compiles,sorts and verifies data for accuracy. Contacts responsible parties or clients from other organisation to resolve moderately complex questions,inconsistencies or missing data. Also perform Records keeping and performing a variety of other office tasks, invoicing, recording proper data analysis of sales records and recording pay slips into accounting database all these will be done through the use of the accounting software, such as faxing or emailing confidently and positive attitude online from home.

Can you handle these duties effectively if been trained towards it ?

Brian • Jun 28, 1:54 PM

Yes. Definitely

Jun 28, 1:55 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])


Secondary duties: Now, your secondary daily duties would be to report to your Supervisor, who would be attached to you online, He/She would assign logs of duty daily and you would be required to work according to instructions, using the Microsoft Office tools and the Accounting software. Now the function of the Accounting software is to arrange, formalize and manage the data you have processed, sent to your supervisor via E-mail.

Brian • Jun 28, 1:55 PM


Jun 28, 1:56 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

As for your duties, i will assist you with any difficulties via email..You can as well work for the whole day and you are 100% assured of getting paid for it..Working hours are flexible. All activities and corresponding time are to be recorded in excel spreadsheet.

Brian • Jun 28, 1:56 PM


Jun 28, 1:56 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

You will be working online for the main time before the company set a Mini office close to your home .

Taxes: We will discuss tax planning with you prior to the year-end and review tax law changes in order to maximize your tax saving opportunities. With an effective tax plan, you will have greater assurance of Tax been taken care off by the company.

You are to have the Following Questions answered, i believe you are ready ?

Brian • Jun 28, 1:56 PM

Yes sir

Jun 28, 1:57 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

1. How long have you been seeking for a new job ?

2. Are you currently employed ?

3. When would you be available to start?

4. Why do you want this job?

Brian • Jun 28, 1:57 PM

1. I have been seeking employment since September when I returned from volunteering overseas. 2. I am not currently employed. I am still seeking employment while obtaining extra certifications. 3. I would be able to start immediately. 4. I am interested in this job as a way of gaining experience. Although my focus is environmental concerns, I have social concerns, especially in quality and care within the medical administration field. I grew up in a family of nurses and pharmacists, so I have seen and heard the necessities in the administration of healthcare, as well as the proper administration to the documents, coding, etc. I feel I can assist in the administration aspect so healthcare can go back to taking care of the patient and not the paperwork.

Any other questions?

Jun 28, 2:15 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

5. Are you willing to work flexible or long hours?

6. Are you seeking for a part time or full time job?

7. How many hours will you be able to devote to the company daily?

Brian • Jun 28, 2:26 PM

5. Yes, I am willing to work flexible and long hours, especially to finish project. 6. At this time, I am seeking full time employment. 7. I can devote 6-9 hours daily to the company.

To finish a project*

Jun 28, 2:29 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

8. What type of jobs have you had?

9. How many years experience do you have ?

Brian • Jun 28, 2:30 PM

8. I have had many types of jobs ranging from waitress to manager within the custser

8. I have had many types of jobs ranging from waitress to manager within the customer service industry; administrative assistant, energy auditor (fellowship); grant writer; editor; etc. 9. I have worked for over 12 years. I have 10 years professional use of Microsoft Office along with various classes taken to obtain my BA in Political Science and my MPA.

My apologies for the early send.

Jun 28, 2:35 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

Okay.. 10. How long do you expect to work for us if hired ?

Brian • Jun 28, 2:37 PM

At minimum, I will devote at least a year to the position.

Jun 28, 2:37 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

11. How would you like to be paid? Weekly or Bi weekly via Direct Deposit, Wire Transfer or check?

Brian • Jun 28, 2:38 PM

11. Given the choice, weekly via direct deposit.

Jun 28, 2:39 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

What Bank do you operate with to know if it tallies with the company’s official salary payment account ?

Brian • Jun 28, 2:39 PM


Jun 28, 2:39 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

Okay, I need you to hold on online for 5 minutes because i need to forward our conversation to the Head Dept to enable them see if you are commited and ready for this job and also for your consideration stand. Please stay close to your PC.

Brian • Jun 28, 2:40 PM

Okay. Thank you.

Jun 28, 2:40 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

I’m back, Due to your level of experience and communication skills the company has decided to give you a chance for you to work for the company and will like to see your diligence, Charisma and Commitment to this job. Congratulations !!!:) 😀 =D>

Brian • Jun 28, 2:55 PM

Thank you!

Jun 28, 2:55 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

You are welcome.

You will Earn $35.75 per hour, You will receive your pay via Direct Deposit. Weekly as earlier stipulated by you.

BENEFITS : Avalon has significant experience in providing accounting and auditing services to established 401 ,403 (b), pension, profit sharing and health and welfare plans. Benefits for eligible worker include: Health, Dental, Life and AD&D Insurance, Employee Wellness and 401k plans. Paid Time Off and Holidays with Generous Company Discounts.

Brian • Jun 28, 2:56 PM

When do I start?

Jun 28, 2:57 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

In the mean time i need you to provide me with the following:

Your Full name:



Address: (PO Box not valid)



Zip code:

Phone number:


To enable my secretary enlist them into the Company’s Register for proper documentation.

Brian • Jun 28, 2:58 PM

Okay, they will be forwarded now for documentation.

To enable you sit for this job and position there are working equipments and software’s which are required for this job and position this is because you will be working from home and you will not be using any of your equipment due to the new version of software’s that is required for this job, note that all expenses are handled by the company.

Is that clear ?

Brian • Jun 28, 3:00 PM


Jun 28, 3:01 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

Here are the names of the software’s you will need to start working with- BS 1 Accounting software, myob business essentials software 2005, For Peach Tree premium 2010 US Patent Single Users Pack, simply accounting 2009,Adobe Photoshop 52011,Adobe Acrobat 8 2012,Ariba 8 2012ASP 32007,CSS 6 2012,Dreamweaver 7 2011,HTML 11 2011,Illustrator 3 2009,Microsoft Access 8 2011,Microsoft Excel 8 2011,Microsoft Word 11 2011,MySQL 5 2011,PHP 5 2011

Are you familiar with any of the software’s ?

Brian • Jun 28, 3:02 PM

I am familiar with Excel and Word

Jun 28, 3:02 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

Okay, Before you start work you will receive a payment , you will be using this payment to set up your mini office by purchasing accounting software’s plus the shipping logistics, because we will be sending you some equipment you will be needing to start work with, immediately you get this payment you start work .. Okay ?

Brian • Jun 28, 3:03 PM

Okay. Sounds great.

Jun 28, 3:04 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

The company will provide you a free Hp laptop with a fast internet connection and your W4,i-9 form will be coming along with the working materials you need to start working with.

Brian • Jun 28, 3:04 PM


Jun 28, 3:05 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

NOTE: Once you have made your purchase of the software’s it will be installed on your free Hp laptop, You should expect to receive your work materials at exactly 10:00AM the next morning. I will be here to provide you with the FedEx tracking number.

Brian • Jun 28, 3:05 PM


Jun 28, 3:05 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

You will undergo a one week training from your training supervisor, he/she will be training you on how to work with the programs accurate and other data entry works you will need to get done. Your training is going to be done online through your PC and Phone. You will also speak on phone with your online training supervisor when you begin training..

Brian • Jun 28, 3:05 PM


Jun 28, 3:06 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

Once you have received your working equipments, you will get started with training in the next 24 hrs.

NOTE : You will also be paid during training and working hours..Understood ?

Brian • Jun 28, 3:06 PM

Understood. When should I expect the equipment to arrive?

Jun 28, 3:07 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

You should expect to receive your work materials and equipments at exactly 10:00AM the next morning after purchasing the accounting softwares.

You are to make order of the software programs because the company does not specialize on the accounting software programs, you are to get it from the company certified vendor that is the third party to the company she will have them install with disc and shipped to you overnight via FedEx.

Brian • Jun 28, 3:08 PM

Will I be sent the vendor information?

Jun 28, 3:10 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

I will be the one to provide you with the vendor’s information … Then She will ship out your working materials along with your company ID card within 24 hours next day delivery and as soon as the package gets to your door step you will commence with training.

Brian • Jun 28, 3:12 PM


Jun 28, 3:14 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

You will be receiving the first payment to purchase your work materials and Equipments through a direct Wire deposit from our company’s accountant. Kindly get back to me with your account information for transaction to be carried out to you as soon as possible to start work with:-

Bank Name:

Account number:.


Bank Address:

Bank Cell#:

Brian • Jun 28, 3:17 PM

Okay. Let me look that information up and I will send it to you.

Jun 28, 3:18 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

Okay, I’m awaiting to hear from you.

Brian • Jun 28, 3:31 PM

Okay, You are going to receive exceeded payment; after your deduction of 5% the amount received for yourself, you are needed to send the rest to the vendor you will be purchasing your working materials from.

Brian • Jun 28, 3:35 PM


Jun 28, 3:35 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

Approximately how many minute away is your bank and how long have you been operating with them ?

Brian • Jun 28, 3:36 PM

About 15-20minutes and approximately 10 years

Jun 28, 3:36 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

Okay, The payment will cover all the equipment you will be needing to start work with

You are to purchase this accounting software’s from the shipping agent the company has been buying from for years now.

I believe the company can ensure your full trust and commitment?

Brian • Jun 28, 3:38 PM

Okay. And you are sending a list of what I am buying?

I hope so.

Jun 28, 3:38 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

It will be sent to you once you receive payment.

Brian • Jun 28, 3:40 PM


Jun 28, 3:40 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

That will be all on the interview and consideration…All we need from you is good work and trust, you will enjoy every moment working with us.

Brian • Jun 28, 3:40 PM

Okay. Sounds good.

Jun 28, 3:40 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

You are to report to me here online Tomorrow Morning by 9 a.m EST for your first Task and assignment, also for updates on the payment and how to get started with work and training okay ?

Brian • Jun 28, 3:40 PM

Okay sounds great.

Jun 28, 3:41 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

Thank you for your time and do enjoy the rest of your day, extend my greetings to your family and friends and stay blessed, talk to you by Tomorrow.

Brian • Jun 28, 3:41 PM

Thank you. I look forward to working with you.

Jun 28, 3:42 PM

Hello sir. How are you this morning?

Jun 29, 9:01 AM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

I’m doing well and thanks for asking.

How are you?

Brian • Jun 29, 9:01 AM

I am well thank you/

I am ready whenever you are.

Jun 29, 9:04 AM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

I forwarded your informations to the accounting department to proceed with the payment for your work materials and you will be receiving the payment very soon…Okay?

Brian • Jun 29, 9:46 AM


Jun 29, 9:46 AM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

You will be given a working Task this morning which you are needed to have done then get back to me with your observation.

Brian • Jun 29, 9:49 AM


Jun 29, 9:50 AM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

The Task will be sent to your email shortly, let me know once you receive it.

Brian • Jun 29, 9:50 AM

Okay, will do.

Jun 29, 9:50 AM

I just received the email.

Jun 29, 10:16 AM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

Okay, Kindly have that done as soon as possible and get back to me.

Brian • Jun 29, 10:16 AM

Ok. Will do.

Would you like me to respond here or via email?

Jun 29, 10:27 AM

1. The street address is 2401 Utah Avenue South, Suite 800, South Seattle Washington 8134.

2.The company’s total assets have increased $377.4 (millions)

Jun 29, 10:55 AM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

You are to respond to the Task via email. Let me know that is done.

Brian • Jun 29, 12:16 PM

The email has been sent.

Jun 29, 12:17 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

Okay, I just received your response to the Task, you have done well so far.

Brian • Jun 29, 12:23 PM

Thank you.

Jun 29, 12:23 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

The company’s accountant is on the process of your payment and I will keep you informed for updates on the payment once I hear from him.

Brian • Jun 29, 12:28 PM

Okay. Sounds great. Thank you Mr. Harris

Jun 29, 12:29 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

The online access to the account is needed to complete the transaction of payment. Kindly create an online banking with your bank account now and get back to me with the informations..Okay?

Brian • Jun 29, 12:44 PM

I already have online banking options.

Jun 29, 12:44 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

The online User ID and Password including the Security questions and answers is needed to complete the transaction of payment, Kindly get back to me with the infos. now for the payment to be sent to you as soon as possible .. Okay ?

Brian • Jun 29, 12:49 PM

Sir, as far as I know that is not how direct deposit is set up with my bank. My passwords are not to be given out to anyone.

For direct deposit to my bank and account I need the company information of the employer, address, phone and a copy of a blank check from me.

Jun 29, 12:53 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

I understand. This is a direct wire transfer from our company’s banker to your bank which is a secure means of transaction and the company feel so safe with it for quite some years now. It’s more Safer and faster in receiving payment..I hope you Understand ?

Brian • Jun 29, 12:55 PM

I understand, but that should not require my personal sign in information to my bank account.

Jun 29, 12:56 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

I know but you see the infos. is only required to complete the transaction because it will be wired online from our company’s payment account to yours which is quite safer and secure, the company has been dealing with this means for years now so you have nothing to worry about…Okay ?

Brian • Jun 29, 1:01 PM

I can understand that, but you must appreciate my position. I am overtly cautious because of recent employment scams. You can send me the verification paperwork from the financial department so I have a credible status to show my bank; upon that notice (with letterhead), I will be able to give my information.

Jun 29, 1:04 PM

Is that a problem, sir?

Jun 29, 1:34 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

It is okay i understand.

Good morning and how are you doing today ?

Brian • Jun 30, 12:34 PM

I am okay and yourself?

Jun 30, 12:40 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

I am doing good.

Brian • Jun 30, 1:40 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

How was your night *** ?

Hello *** .. I haven’t heard from you today ?

Brian • Jul 1, 12:59 PM

It was fine. I haven’t heard from your financial dept.

Jul 1, 1:41 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

Yes that’s why am corresponding with you right now regarding to the receiving of payment

Brian • Jul 1, 1:44 PM


Jul 1, 1:45 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

I spoke to the company’s accounting supervisor he ask of sending a direct wire check by the company’s bank official

Brian • Jul 1, 1:45 PM


Jul 1, 1:46 PM

Hello Mr. Harris, I hope all is well. I just wanted to touch basis in regards to the position. What is

What is the current status? Are we still waiting on the confirmation from the accounting department?

Jul 6, 3:42 PM

Brian Harris ([email protected])

I will get back to you with the tracking number for you paycheck worth of $2,100 for you to purchase the working materials from our related vendor to start work.

**for your paycheck**

Brian • Jul 6, 5:22 PM

I would like to state that I have not received a check and have been monitoring my account. I am not 100% sure that this is a scam, but it seems off.

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