Victim Location 75219
Type of a scam Employment
Here’s the job offer email:
Nov 14
Dear Job Seeker
Our recruitment team viewed your resume published on (www.Zip Application :Customer Service Representative (CSR)/Data Entry Position and we are pleased with your qualifications,we believe you have the required qualifications to undergo an online interview.
Your resume was shortlisted for an online interview with the personnel manager Mrs Betty Gilispie via G-mail Hangout or Google talk with the following email address ([email protected]). Add Her to your buddy list and message She, he will be online waiting for you ASAP to conduct the interview with you.
Your verification code is ( HDOX-165 ), this would serve as your identification number throughout the online hiring process. Your timely response matters a lot.
We look forward to having you on the team.
Interview Scheduled : Online.
Venue: On Line Via Google Hangout
Training is Available
Human Resources
Your swift and timely response matters a lot in this beneficial position.
Here’s Google Hangouts Conversation that included supposed interview the night before and the following conversation the next morning:
I’m *** ** ***, *** from Dallas, TX
online adp9
Its nice connecting with you
Just follow the briefing and interview, you can ask questions when I am through and I will be glad to answer them.Let me tell you about the company you would be working for. Respond with an okay after each paragraph so I know you have read and understood?
online adp9
You need to be waiting for your messages and be fast in replying back to keep smooth conversation between us, there are other candidates online
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Our company’s success is defined by the people we hire. That’s why we’re committed to finding the best and brightest candidates to complement our knowledgeable and experienced teams around the world. By joining us, you’ll be learning and working alongside some of the industry’s finest leaders and emerging stars. Whether you are an experienced professional or just starting your career, ADP Inc offers great opportunities and an excellent work environment
This is strictly an online and work from home job and you can as well work from anywhere of your choice or anytime that does suit you.You can choose to work during Morning, Afternoon and even during evening…The pay rate is $28 per hour while training is $15 per hour and will be getting payment bi- weekly via check or direct deposit. let me know if you are interested so we can proceed
online adp9
Are you currently employed?
How would you describe your work ethics ?
Are you available to start immediately?
What is your current typing speed?
Do you prefer to work on your own or as part of a team? Give reasons.
Describe a situation when the workload was heavy, how you were able to complete it before the deadline that was given to you?
What milestone have you accomplished in your whole career that was remarkable and you would love to share ?
Self employed
I believe in giving 100%. I type about 70 and I prefer to work alone. I just dig in when I have a deadline and don’t stop until I meet that deadline. My greatest accomplishment is rising from a file clerk with no college education to become a Senior Executive Assistant for more than one CEO and CFO in my 25 year career. We were poor and I was told that all I would ever be good for was manual labor.
online adp9
What are your greatest strengths and weakness and how does it affect your job performance?
Give 5 reasons why you feel you should be hired to work for us.
Sounds good,What do you understand by petty cash and privacy code of conduct?
Greatest strengths are tenacity and attention to detail as well as my logistical abilities. My weakness is that I can be overly sensitive and thin-skinned, but I have learned to conceal that from work environment as much as possible.
I can’t give you five reasons why I should be hired as I have no clue about what it is you are offering. Why don’t you give me five reasons I should work for you?
Petty cash comes with responsibility, trust and must be carefully monitored. Privacy code is just like any other binding privacy or MOU regarding company correspondence, actions, transactions, etc.
online adp9
How would you like to be paid if been offered this position. Via Direct Deposit or check, what means of payment would you prefer weekly or Bi weekly?
What bank do you operate with so i can see if it tallies with the company’s Payment Account ?
Direct Deposit, Weekly, *** ** ***
online adp9
Alright Finally, Can you think of anything else you’d like to add in general anything about you.? ( Age / Hobby / Current income )
I will be ** in March. My husband and i just celebrated our *** anniversary on the *** of this month. I love *** *** *** *** and I spend all my free time helping to *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
online adp9
what is your verification code?
I am currently charging my clients $35.00 to $48.00 an hour for my services. My verification code is HDOX-165
My business is slow and I want to try something new.
online adp9
I am here and your consideration stand is available now on my desk.
CONSIDERATION STAND : You scored ( 93% ) Above Average, Knowledge, Skills and Experience: Data Entry Clerk/Customer Service /Admin Clerical ) Consideration Certification: ( Confirmed Qualified )
CONGRATULATIONS, ADP Inc is pleased to offer you the position Of a Customer service/Call Center candidate . Due to your level of experience and communication skills, the company has decided to give you a chance for you to work for the company. We trust that your knowledge, skills and experience will be among our most valuable assets.
Myself and the entire Board of Directors welcome you to ADP Inc
Thank you.
online adp9
Your Primary duties include: Preparation of Balance sheets (Mini), account balancing, invoicing recording,proper data analysis of sales records and recording pay slips into accounting database all these will be done through the use of the Accounting Software.
Secondary duties:Now, your secondary daily duties would be to report to your Supervisor, who would be attached to you online, He/She would assign logs of duty daily and you would be required to work according to instructions, using the Microsoft Office tools and the Accounting software. Now the function of the Accounting software is to arrange, formalize and manage the data you have processed, sent to your supervisor via E-mail.
Can you handle these effectively if been trained towards it ?
Yes, I can and thank you for the opportunity.
online adp9
I believe you can handle all these effectively?
BENEFITS : ADP Inc benefits for eligible worker include: Health, Dental, Life and AD&D Insurance, Employee Wellness and 401k plans.Paid Time Off and Holidays with Generous Company Discounts.That counts after working 90days with the Company.You will be eligible to this benefits after three month of working with the company.
You will be eligible to this benefits after for 3 month of working with the company.Is that understood ?
Yes, Ma’am, that is understood.
online adp9
To enable you sit for this job and position there are working equipment and software’s which are required for this job and position this is because you will be working from home and you will not be using any of your equipment due to the new version of softwares that is required for this job, note that all expenses are handle by the company, so therefor the company will be sending you a check for the Purchase of all your working materials
Is that clear ?
Yes, that is clear.
online adp9
Once the Accounting officer issue out your start up check for the purchase of all your materials i will have you updated by providing you with your tracking # to enable you have your start up check tracked and it will be coming to you via the FedEx/UPS. Once you have all materials the company will have your Paper work Email to you as you will have it printed out fill and then email back..Okay ?
online adp9
NOTE: All Equipments and softwares are to be purchased from the company’s accredited vendor..We have been buying from this Vendor for years now…Thats because all materials will be Customized in your names and the Company Logo and shipped to you via the FedEx./UPS.,…
Is that clear ?
Yes, that is clear.
online adp9
Here are the list of items that will be provided by the vendor
A bran new apple Laptop ,HP Z1 Workstation(All in one form factor Workstation. Has 802.11 a/b/g/n 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi. DisplayPort in/out port. Expandable all-in-one chassis. SSDs. Articulated hinge. VESA mountable. Blu-ray burner).All in one printer,scanner and fax machine,Apple Final Cut Express 3.5 HD Upgrade,Norton Ghost 9.0,Microsoft Office XP 2002 Standard Upgrade,Peach tree Premium Accounting 2013.Mini office stationaries,Time Tracker and Data Reader as that enables me to have your Hours calculated .
Are you familiar with any of them ?
I am familiar with all them as I have also served as an IT manager and I have a real problem with Norton products. However, I will work the software required. I used peachtree when I worked in HR for *** *** ***.
I am not sure about Apple Final Cut Express… sounds familiar
online adp9
You will undergo a one week training from your training supervisor, he will training you on how to work with the programs accurate and other work you will need to get done.Your training is going to be done online through your PC and Phone and when you are done the Company Rep that visit all new Employee Area will be coming over to your location to update you on how to start working fully.
NOTE: You can stay on training as long as you want till you’re confident enough to start fully,Is that understood ?
Yes, that is understood.
I am excited!
online adp9
You are now employed. as an employee to work with the company in requirements of your Loyalty and Commitment…
All we need from you is good work and trust, you will enjoy every moment working with us.
In the meantime, I need you to confirm to me the following info so my secretary can crosscheck with the one she has in her register….
Full name:
Home address:
Zip Code:
Cell and home number.
*** ** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** cell I do not have a landline as they are outdated in my opinion.
online adp9
The hard-copy of employee manual guide and W2 will be delivered along with your working equipment and you will be required to sign and fill out required data, then email back to me,Also the accounting department will be mailing out your start up check and it will be delivered to your mail box or front door tomorrow morning or next.I believe you will be at home to receive it from the Mail man ?
Yes, I will.
online adp9
Do you have any question for now ?
Your HR department will of course be sending out a full employee packet for me to fill out or via email as that is standard procedure. Is that correct?
online adp9
Lastly, I would like to look up your company for my own piece of mind. The name and address for inquiry would be?
1 ADP Blvd Roseland, New Jersey07068 United States ??
online adp9
The name of the company : ADP Inc.
Company’s address : Arizona Phoenix 7333 S. Hardy Drive, Suite 101, Building E Tempe, AZ
can we proceed ?
Yes, and thank you. Verification is complete.
online adp9
That’s all for the interview, You are to report to me by tomorrow 8:am your time for update on the check and how to get started with your first duties, task, and assignment. Make sure you are not late online tomorrow morning. Bye and have a wonderful day.. ?
Yes, Ma’am and thank you.
online adp9
online • Mon, 6:39 PM
Good morning, I am checking in on Eastern Standard Time as I forgot to ask for clarification on the time zone during last night’s interview for this morning’s 8:00 am login and training session.
online adp9
hang on
online adp9
I was just notified by the courier officer that your start up check for the purchasing of all working materials will be mail out today and it will be deliver to your mail box or front door tomorrow morning ,I will be providing you with a Fedex tracking No# as well ..That will be all for today .I need you to report to m here online tomorrow morning 9:am for your start up check update .Do enjoy the rest of your day Bye
9 am my time CST or EST?
online adp9
Your time
I wanted to ask a question before we begin. In the enthusiasm of the interview, I forgot to mention I have a wellness appointment this Friday at 10:30 and a follow up to that on January 12th. This Friday’s exam includes a *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***. I would rather not miss this as I won’t be able to reschedule for six months due to plan limitations. If I have to miss for the sake of work, I certainly will. The appointment on Jan. 12, 2017 is with a specialist and cannot be missed or rescheduled. Is it possible for me to keep one or both of my health appointments?
online adp9
that would not be a problem
Okay, I just wanted to make sure that I let you know that I put work first. You cannot support CEO’s and CFO’s if you are not willing to be flexible with your own time as they can be very demanding.??
online adp9
all you have to do is to notify me a week to the appointment
all you have to do is to notify me a week before the appointment is that understood ?
Sorry, yes, that is understood.
online adp9
report to m here online tomorrow morning 9:am for your start up check update .Do enjoy the rest of your day Bye
Thank you and you, too.
online adp9
online • 26 mins
I just got of the phone with the real ADP satellite office in Dallas and this is a scam and this entire conversation transcript is has been forwarded to their legal dept and will be made available to Dallas and Arizona officials. This cruel. I hope you get what you deserve.
online adp9
what do you mean me by that
online • 7 mins
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