AM Advisors

Luis –

Victim Location 97401

Type of a scam Other

I was approached by a Mr Anthony Mar through a site called *** after responding to a listing on the site for a virtual Payroll Clerk. I was asked to contact Mr Mar through his contact number. At first it sounded very legit. He asked me to purchase a few items to do the job: software, ink refill, paper, and glue, in which i would be compensated for. He asked me for my direct email, full name, full mailing address to send envelopes for me to remit payments. He sent me over the offer letter, which i signed and returned (attached). Here is where things started getting weird.

On February 16, he asked me for a credit card to make a direct deposit to because "we only believe in making bank transactions and credit card transactions." My response was "Yes, but i don’t do that." He tried to put me at ease by asking me to get a Wells Fargo EasyPay card for funds deposit and that he would reimburse me the $25 needed to open the account as well. I told him i wasn’t wanting to open an account with them because I had bad history and went and got a Chase account instead. On Feburary 17, he responded with "Why don’t you just follow up with every instruction given so that there will not be any error. I instructed you to purchase a Wells Fargo Easypay card which is the card recommended for you to be used and perfect for us, you went on getting another different card. We don’t fret used too am not sure the Chase liquid card you got will work for us Okay."

Me: "You never instructed. It was preferred. I don’t like Wells Fargo. I have bad history with them from years ago. I didn’t realize it was a requirement. Is it a problem? This one works the same way."

Mr Mar: "Am sorry to inform you that we are not use to the Chase Liquid card you got, so it won’t work. Am not sure of that. We only sure of the Wells Fargo Easypay card because we have always sure of it because it work successfully faster. More so, am sorry to hear about having issue with Wells Fargo in the past. But am not sure would be any problem purchasing the Wells Fargo Easypay card at the Wells Fargo Bank around you. The Wells Fargo Easypay card is a re-loadable prepaid card that helps you manage your money. Plus it gives you the ability to make purchases at millions of participating merchants worldwide."

Me: "Well. I wish you had said it must be Wells Fargo. Instead of recommended. How do you know mine won’t work? It works the same way. Can you send me the form and then we can try at least? I won’t be home again til Monday night so I can’t go today."

Mr Mar: "Yes. It must be the Wells Fargo EasyPay card. You don’t have to be worried about the money you will be spending on get the EasyPay card at Wells Fargo bank. It will be reimbursed back to you once funds deposit in processed into the Easypay card for you okay. Okay. I will forward you the contract to have it work on by signing it and have a copy forward back and also keep a copy to yourself as proof okay."

On February 22 after sending me an email insisting I open an account with Radius Bank, I sent him an email stating the following:

" Anthony,

I have spoken about this issue with my husband and have decided that I will not be opening an account with any other financial institutions. I took it as a sign yesterday when Wells Fargo denied me that there is something about this situation that just doesn’t make sense and I have spoken to many people about this issue and they all say that if an employer/client is telling me the only way I can get paid requires me to do this, then it’s just not worth it. Something about that sounds fishy and nobody could make any sense of it. They said that if a company values me as an employee/self-contractor than they will do whatever is necessary to make sure I get paid. So, with that being said, if you cannot pay me using direct deposit to my own bank account or through Paypal or Google Pay than I have to turn down your proposal and will be sending the products back to Amazon for full refund. I was really excited about this opportunity, but it is up to you, your department, and your company to decide what to do next."

On February 23, we had a conflicting arguement via text:

Mr Mar: "It’s Okay Angela. I would be emailing you all required info regards the Oregon Community Credit Union account soon so that you can provide me with all info for funds deposit process okay."

I then received an email from Mr Mar asking for bank info with login and security information as well…..

Me: "Woah! Why do you need my login info?"

Mr Mar: "I already got the signed contract from you forward back. But I just forward you the funds deposit required info form to fill out and forward back to me, okay."

Me: "I’m fully aware. But I’m sorry. I am not giving you full access to my bank."

Mr Mar: "You really have to be cool and understand why we required for all the info regards your account. The reason is that we would to logged into the account to confirm every available funds we have deposited into the account for you then after we will inform you to also check your available balance yourself for confiramtion so that there will not be any error. This is for both safety part and 100% proof of payment okay."

Me: "No thank you. This is just getting to be too much."

Mr Mar: "We would appreciate your complete understand about this process. We always make every transaction we made is confirmed from us first the also you okay."

Me: "I think I would like to rescind my acceptance. Thank you for your time."

Mr Mar: "Well well. Nothing is getting too much here. You are only playing your part safe and secured, but you are not thinking about our own safety as well. This is an online work from home position. We both have to be on same line to make things work fine. If you insist with only your own decision, then that looks strange to us. You are handling our funds and we have to make sure our funds is safe with you okay."

Me: "It looks strange to me and even my bank that you are asking for my login info when all you need is my account and routing number. I understand the trusting me with your funds with handling payroll but I don’t even have access yet and that would be my job. And I don’t even have proof that is real to begin with. All I have is blank checks with no info on it. It’s different situation than logging into my bank account to make a deposit. Even they said that there is no need for anyone but me to have my account login info, that many scams are done that way."

Mr Mar: "I have already explain to you the reason why we request for your account login access. If you can’t understand well it’s up to you. Because we can take a risk of making a deposit of our funds into your account while we don’t confirm it for our safety."

Me: "I trust my bank officials. I might have felt a lot more at ease if you actually picked up the phone to talk to me every so often rather than all text so I am not very at ease anymore."

Mr Mar: "But we don’t trust you with our funds. Sorry. Good luck."

Me: "Again that would be my job and I have been trusted on many occasions to do such and never did anything untrustworthy. Nowhere did you mention that you would need all that you are asking of me now. Only about depositing via bank."

Mr Mar: "To speak with you over the phone is not a problem. I can even put a call to you now if you want that. But this is a company with rules and regulation I don’t have to go by turning down the rules, not even an employee, okay. This is online work from home. Understand or leave it, we don’t make false on anyone on work with us, but to abide our rules for both safety."

Me: "I’m sorry if I am not trustworthy to have someone able to access my bank account funds now or at any time. Signing a check is one thing and traceable but for someone I have never even met to have access to my funds I have in there now is not trustworthy to me. Payment should never require anything more than bank account info or email for online payment."

Mr Mar: "There is something you are not understanding. But it’s okay, if you are not going to understand our terms and rules, okay."

Me: "Your terms and rules are not even on my agreement so how am I supposed to know."

At this time I should have just ended the relationship, but I was desperate for the work so I continued…..

Me: "OK one last time. What if I send you the info for my new Chase account? Even my husband doesn’t want anyone accessing the money we have in our shared bank."

Mr Mar: "Have heard you Angela. But if I may ask, which account is the shared account you use with your husband? If it is the Oregon Community Credit Union account, we would not accept this because its a joint account. We only accept just the employee account we employed, okay."

Me: "It’s our shared account. The chase one is the one I opened last week."

Mr Mar: "We don’t want your shared or joint account with your husband. That account has to be for personal use. WE would just accept the Chase account you open last week. Just provide us with all required info on it. I think that will be okay by you."

Me: "So you need my account to deposit money for me to make payments on your behalf? Like a third party?"

Mr Mar:"This is not about third party payment. This is just part of your work and assignment which you need to get done. It’s already on the job description letter which you have already signed with us. Remitting funds out to your representatives and printing checks and mailing them out."

Me: "I guess I misunderstood before. I thought that meant I would be remitting payments through an online program where the information is already input into the system to go on the check, including company name. As in the checks would be printed through your accounting system as they are in most offices. I didn’t see that it would be coming out of my own account. If thats the case, I can open the account with the bank you requested as long as your name would go on it too. But not just my name. I don’t feel comfortable writing checks that don’t have a company name on it. No w I get it. Sorry. I was extremely confused. Definately would have been better in voice."

Mr Mar: "All checks you will be printing will be coming out from our account, not yours. You seem not getting me right at all and you have not been going through the whole contract for the job description to go through every details before you signed, right?"

Me: "I did read all the details thoroughly. Three times in fact. Like i said I guess I misunderstood something."

Mr Mar: "All bank account into to print out check with will be provided by us. We will also be paying for all shipping cost fee of all packages you will be mailing out through USPS Poster Service or through FedEx courier service daily. All we need from you a new private account setup for this position in which all funds to be remit out and monthly wages will be deposited into for you."

Me: "OK. I apologize for jumping the gun. It sounded scandelous to me. Sent. I will be sure that this is primarily for AM Advisor income. Doesn’t ask for security question, just identification code upon first use of device."

Mr Mar: "OK. Checking now. Got all the bank info now. I will keep you informed once the deposit is processed into the account, okay. Check your phone if any code is sent now."

I sent the code.

Mr Mar: "Got it thanks."

Me: "I just got notified of a $950 deposit."

February 24…….

Me: "Good morning. I’m super excited to get to work. "

Later after being able to view deposit info: "So who is Patricia Stockwell? And why is it $950?"

Later that evening Mr Mar responds: "How are you doing today and how was your day going. Am sorry for my late response. yes the $950 funds deposit was made into the Chase account for you yesterday. Once the entire funds cleared available in your account, you are to deduct out your reimbursement fee and you will have the rest balance remit out to our out of state representative info which I will be providing you afterward, okay?"

Me: "Remit from my account? Sounds like its coming out of my account and not yours. I don’t like that a personal check was put into my account and I didn’t sign for deposit."

Mr Mar: "Coo Angela. Don’t get me wrong okay. This $950 that was deposited into the Chase account for you belongs to us and not yours. You are only to deduct out your reimbursement fee for all the materials you purchased and you will have the whole rest amount left send out to our representative info. This is Payroll Accounting position and you should know what your duties is okay."

Me: "Payroll comes out of business account or owner. Putting the money into my account for me to remit is not acceptable."

Mr Mar: "All funds you will be handling has to in your account so that you will be able to get access to them and this is why we require every of our employee to prepare an account for this position for funds deposit than after follow by further instruction on how to complete every transaction. More so, we will still be providing the business account you will be using to print all checks, you will be mailing out, for the check printing we only be giving you the business account details to use in printing all checks before mailing them out. "

Me: "Why does stuff have to come out of my account. I have never worked a payroll system like this. I don’t like this one bit. This is not how business is supposed to be done. I think on second thought. I’m not gonna do the job. This is just all too complicated and makes no sense to me. Nowhere in my business management training was I told this was an acceptable form of business."

Mr Mar: "Now you are beginning to sound strange. This is the way we have been handling our business. You don’t to tell us how to manage our company. Is either you accept our roles and terms or you just leave it. Because you have been really given us though time because we want to employed you. WE have several payroll companies and they have different ways of handling their business. You can’t tell us what to do. This is our money and not yours."

Me: "I’m not telling you what to do with your money but I want no part of this kind of thing where I have to use my account to pay other people. You told me yesterday that all checks would be by your account, not mine. If this is a new acceptable system in the last few years than you need to find someone who is comfortable with this."

Mr Mar: "If we can’t even trust you with our money and other business account info we will be providing you for printing checks. Then just looks else where for your job. Because we are just tired of you giving us rules to handle $950 funds clears in your account just deduct out your reimbursement fee and have all the rest amount let send out to the representative info I will be providing you afterward."

Me: "Deposit into my account for me to pay others is not the same as trusting me to access a site to write and print and send company checks."

Mr Mar: "I can see you are trying to run away from your duties. I don’t see any reason why you keep complaining about our funds put into your account so that you can have full access to the funds to get every task done as you are instructed too. We only seek a reilable, a honestly, trustworthy, a sound decision making employee to handle this position."

During this text, I contacted Wells Fargo bank and told them about the issue and they said there was nothing they could do.

Me: "You know what? I called the bank to cancel the check and they said I can’t do. As soon as its cleared I’m just gonna turn around and put it back into Pamela’s account. Yesterday, you tell me all checks you will be printing will be coming out of our account, not yours, and now you say it’s opposite. Too much stress for me. I don’t want to be writing checks out of my own account."

Mr Mar: "You are the one getting the whole thing wrong due to your lack of understanding. You have also said it all yesterday that ‘Like i said I guess I misunderstood something.’ I told you yestereday that all the checks you will be printing will be coming out of our business account, not yours and I also told you to setup an account for the payroll positoin to be use to remit out funds will be depositing into the account you. Even in the job description letter you signed, it’s already stated there that you will be remitting funds out and printing checks. The funds remitting out. You have to setup an account so that all funds you will be remitting out will be deposited there for you to have full access to the funds. Then the printing of checks. We will be providing you the Business account information to use in printing all checks and have them mail out. This is so simple to understand. Once the funds cleared in the Chase account, I will give you the information to send the funds back to. If that is what you want. Just make sure nothing happens to our money. Thats all!"

During this text, I contacted my bank and informed them as well about the situation. They agreed to freeze my account so the check would be rejected.

Me: "The check will be stopped as I just put a restriction on my account."

Mr Mar: "If anything happens to our money, you are trying to get yourself in trouble, because You said you already called the bank to cancel the check and they said they can’t do, and you said as soon as its cleared you are just gonna turn around and send it back to us. So if you try anything else and our money get issues. You will be responsible for it. So it’s better you let the funds cleared as the bank you called said and have it sent back. I know you are fond of doing what you wish and not ready to follow anyone one instruction, even you are just trying to disobey what the bank told you. You are warned now."

Me: "I said they can’t cancel the check. The only thing I could do was freeze my account. If it was company name or yours it wouldn’t be a problem, but for all i know it could be someone’s stolen checkbook and I want no part of it. Technically it’s Pamela’s money. In the eyes of the bank and its things like this that I want no part of."

Notice I said Pamela instead of Patricia. Not once does he correct me.

Mr Mar: "Do you know who Pamela is. It’s none of your business to know where our money comes from. This is money was deposited by Pamela and if she is not aware of this. The funds will not be deposited. So stop the crap okay. All I will tel you is nothing must happen to our money or lost elsewhere. You will be responsible for the lost okay. Remember you have signed a contract deal with us and now you are about to turn everything in bad. If you don’t want any trouble, I would advise you to follow the bank instruction by letting the funds cleared and send it out back."

Me: "Exactly my point. I don’t know Pamela which is why I am not ok with having her check deposited into my account without my knowledge. You never said it would be a personal check form someone else just that you would deposit funds to reimburse me. Nothing will happen to the funds on my end. It’s all bank now and I’d rather not have this headache anymore so that is done. The check will be returned. Contracts are voided all the time so please shred mine. I’m not doing this. Your contract was contradicting. Not enough detail. Oh and even the says this is not right."

Mr Mar: "Good for you. But our funds will be cleared in your account tomorrow. That is the only our property is left with you to send back to us. Then we will say, goodbye to you. Til tomorrow. Whatever okay. Just send back our funds once it cleared in your account tomorow. That’s all I have to say. Til tomorrow woman. Can’t talk again for now."

Me: "They won’t clear. They will get returned."

February 25…..

Mr Mar: "Angela. We want you to know that we receive a notification from our bank that the funds will be cleared in your account on next week Monday morning. And we discovered that you changed the password and to the Chase account when we tried to access the account to confirm if the funds cleared today. But our bank said due to the weekend period it can’t clear but until Monday morning. Now for you to change the password to the account that is so strange. That tells us you are trying to run away with our money that was deposited into your account and if you did not release the new password to the account for us. That shows us the truth about you trying to run away with our money and by Monday morning we are gonna to file a report to the FBI and we have all your details with us. To give out to the FBI to get yo. We now understand the reason why you turn this down just to run away with our money. You are caught and you will pay for this trying to runaway with our money. So just provide us the new password and user ID to the Chase account to confirm the funds once its availalbe in your Chase account on Monday."

Me: "You’re crazy and I’m done talking to you. I will look for the reject myself and like I said if it does go through, I will put it back into Pamela’s account. I’m blocking you now." And i did block him.

On Tuesday, the account showed the check was in fact returned. And because of the check deposit and my being new to the bank, they chose to terminate our relationship. I sent one final text to Mr Mar letting him know that the check was rejected.

While the company and name is legit, I suspect based on the way they do business that their operations sound like money laundering. The fact that the check was written by a third party and he said it wasn’t my business to know where the money was coming from makes me suspect it’s illegal. I am concerned that he has my personal address and could retaliate for this.

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