Autorebba Consignment & Sales

Jordan –

Victim Location 44256

Total money lost $11,750

Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan

My son and I saw an ad on Craigslist on May 31, 2016 for a 2033 skid steer loader. We contacted the seller. We asked if we could see it. We got an email back which reads in part "sorry for the late answer, your email was in my junk email. Rob & Barbara" My son emailed them saying we were still interested. We got an email back which read in part: "hello we are selling it at consignment with ARB." Then on 6.19.16, they replied again: "skid steerer is listed with ARB. it would be easier to send you the link:" "You must go through their website as a buyer. Once your registration is complete, they will send an invoice with step by step inst, payment instructions etc. You must follow the payment instructions to send and confirm the payment with autorebbaconsignment. The shipping process will start once that’s completed. The shipping process will not take long. Anything delivered in a maximum of 5 days."

Nathaniel J. Tacket, Director Franchise Support, Auto Rebba Consignment Sales LLC [email protected]

I think my son wired the money from his bank.

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