Ashford Council Partners

Monica –

Victim Location 60051

Type of a scam Debt Collections

Ryan Wells from the company called my brother to find out where I was. My brother called me and and I, out of good faith called Ryan. Ryan told me he worked for Ashford Council Partners and that he was trying to collect a $5,700 credit card debit from 2012. I said I didnn’t have a card with that high of a limit back then and Ryan quickly said well the credit card was $900 and we are charging you interest so the total will come to $5,700. I said no way I am paying that amount of money and then Ryan asked me how much i’d like to pay.

This was quite suspicious in itself. I said the most I’d pay for a $900 credit card debt is $900. Ryan said ok then you have 2 hours to wire me $300 and the other is due by the end of the month or else im going to sue you in court. I laughed at him thats when Ryan started talking about the cars we drive, where we live, where we work, our birth-dates, and social security numbers. I said I don’t know what you’re talking about with this debt but I have to talk about this with my wife and you need to send me some paperwork verifying the agreement. Ryan said no they had already sent it out and they don’t need to send it again and that if I didn’t call back in two hours they were going to send a Courier with a summons immediately.

Frazzled I called my wife and she said it sounded like a scam but she would call Mr. Ryan Wells if I wanted. I gave her the phone number and she called.

The gentleman that answered the phone seemed nice enough and she gave him Ryans extension and transferred her over. She asked Ryan about him calling her husband and that she would like the information on the debt to which Ryan replied im sorry i can’t discuss that with you unless the pending defendant gives me permission. She said what are you talking about that’s my husband you gave him our cars, house, jobs, socials, and birthdates. He said over again, I’m sorry i can’t discuss the case without the pending defendants permission. So she said to him don’t you call and threaten my husband or anything of ours unless you’re willing to provide us with documentation we are not paying you a dime.

Ryan then got very mad and started to yell at her I cannot discuss the case with you and she cut him off to tell him to not call my ***  husband anymore to threaten us and he yelled stop using that language and this call is being recorded and she said good so once again she said don’t even call and threaten us again and he started yelling at her again your husband has 15 minutes to call with the money… she yelled back at him I thought you couldn’t discuss the case with me?!? he yelled over and over the same thing, your husband has 15 minutes to call me with the money and she yelled over and over I thought you couldn’t discuss the case….

Ryan got so mad he hung up on her and we never heard from him or the company again.

People/companies like this should be in jail! They are blackmailing/threatening and try to extort people for money. People that don’t have the sense or understand this is not a normal practice will be scared into giving this money up and will be scammed. It makes me sick to think people like this can sleep at night without having a conscious.

I will be reporting this not only here to the but also to my local police and the FBI if I have to. These people need to be investigated and/or shut down for good.

Sean –

Victim Location 33904

Type of a scam Debt Collections

They called and said there was a bank account opened and it was overdrawn and incurred overdraft fees that were never paid. That they had sent letters to our two previous addresses – which was not true – that we ignored and now we were down to the wire to pay the amount turned over to their collection agency or set up a payment plan or give an offer to settle within the next two hours or it would go into "legal action" filed in the court and at that point they could not stop the process and we would have to pay the entire amount. I never heard of the bank and never had an account there. There were never any notices received from this company or any other relating to this issue. I just looked at our credit report and there was nothing of this on there. He said banks did not post this time of thing on a credit report. I looked them up online, did not find any website for them but did see a couple of postings that said this was a scam and not to give them any information – or MONEY!! I have come to the website where I can usually find information relating to these issues but this company is not listed. So at this point I’m not sure what is true.

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