Albert Mallet Thomas Steven

Chelsea –

Victim Location 07760

Type of a scam Rental

The suspect goes by albert mallet, he was trying to rent a house for what seemed to be fairly low price. From the start something didn’t seem right, so i went with my gut and checked the house out my self. The property was there, but when i spoke to the neighbors they told me they had never seen the current occupants there and the previous owner had sold the house. Aka the original albert mallet. I knew it was a scam right away. He asked me for proof of identification which ofcourse i never sent over and to do a walmart to walmart money transfer. Not to mention i had a feeling once we spoke on the phone they would have a heavy accent and would be barely comprehendable. Sure enough i was right i had enough proof. Seems rediculous. Its time we let these cowards take advantage of people that would fall for it.

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