Karen –

Victim Location 63116

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Hussein ali jabbar lists cars on Craigslist way under value says cars are in St.Clair Mo but when you meet up with him its his home address 3551 Giles ave st.Louis mo 63116 where he sells car not a car lot then he pretends to really want to sell you the car doing everything the bank asks him to do to get the money I don’t know if he thought the bank would just give him the money and he could keep the car I don’t know what kind of scam he is running but it is a scam he tried to come and pick me up in the car and have me drop him off but I was not comfortable and told him I would have a ride so wen I had a ride to pick up the car he made up an excuse for me not to pick up the car saying he would deliver car to me in the morning but never did then just avoided my calls up until I said I had a ride he was very persistent in trying to sale me the car and bringing me the car I don’t know what kind of scam he was trying to pull whether he was a killer,rapist, robber I don’t know what the motive is but it ain’t right he didn’t scam me just wasted my time but something didn’t feel right about this man his intentions is not good who would turn in all the paperwork and have documents notarized then don’t sell the car why do all that unless you thought you was gone get the money but the bank gave me the check and the only way he was getting that was if he gave me the car and title. Just trying to warn people I was lucky the next person may not be.

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