Victim Location 33953
Total money lost $5,000
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
Two business checks were mailed to my husband by US Postal Service. One in the mount of $15,000 and one for $5,000. He was instructed that after the checks cleared his bank he was to send various Western Union Money orders to several different people. I am not clear as to why he was to do this. When Western Union refused to allow the recipients to pick up the money my husband was instructed to use Walmart in a Money Gram to complete the transactions. After these were issued my husband was notified by the Bank that the checks were altered/fictitious causing his bank account to become severely overdrawn. The Bank than took all the funds out of our joint account in an attempt to recover the overdrawn funds. I have all the receipts from Western Union, and Walmart also copies of the fictitious checks. Business is listed on