Androit Rescue

Christian –

Victim Location 28110

Total money lost $399.99

Type of a scam Tech Support

I checked my email 1st thing this AM as I always do and saw an email from a good friend, recognized his email address, and opened it. Since we are both DJs & there was a fund raising event near his home last night, I thought nothing about opening a link that he referred to after writing "How come I didn’t know about this?" I clicked on the link, and my computer was held captive. I talked to the 1st tech, Daniel, who got all my personal info, but when he got to routing # and account #, I said, "You mean my checking account?" he said yes. I said, "No, no ,no!" He handed me a sales pitch & still wanted the numbers, so I simply hung up. In between the 5 immediate followup calls, I called my friend, and he said he’d emailed NO ONE today. I finally gave in, used a credit card, called the fraud division of the card, got my $$ back in 7-10 days, closed the account, and got a new acct./card in process. I see nothing, however, from this scammer from doing the same thing again when they find out that they didn’t get my $399.99. Any suggestions???

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