Fidelity Investment

Carrie –

Victim Location 92117

Type of a scam Phishing

I am calling to report a credit card scam. I tried to reach out to Fidelity Investments about my 401K. I misdialed the number; Fidelity investment’s real number is 866-691-9559. I called "855-691-9559" and a recording said that "I was randomly selected to receive a Wal-Mart gift cart. I was then connected with an ‘agent,’ who lied to me and impersonated an agent from Fidelity Investments. The scammer said that "Fidelity’s system was down and that I had been randomly selected to receive a Wal-Mart card for $200." I realized it was a scam and tried to collect as much info as possible. The ‘agent/scammer’ asked for my name, address and said the gift card would be shipped to my address. Then, he tried to obtain my credit card number for "a $2 shipping charge." Obviously, I did not provide the card number or an accurate name or address; but he hung up as soon as I said that I did not have a credit card. He would not provide his shipping address and repeatedly lied about being a Fidelity Investment agent. I could not get him to provide any personal info; but he spoke with and Indian accent (not important; not racially profiling). This is clearly a phone phishing scam designed for people who misdial the phone number to Fidelity Investments. The numbers are exactly the same except for the prefix (866 vs 855) I did not let the scammer know that I was trying to collect his info or report him in any way; and I am calling Fidelity investments right now to notify them as well. Can you please verify that you received this report and I will be happy to help in anyway possible. Thanks, ***  ***

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