ABL Shipping Ltd

John – Aug 24, 2020

http://russellshippingservices.com/ site seemed legit with company information in the United Kingdom since 1995. After I wired money for purchasing a vehicle located in Seattle, WA, USA Russell Shipping Services “held” my money in escrow but then didn’t deliver the car. The http://russellshippingservices.com/ site is down, and its history has been deleted. Seem to be doing this using ever new sites. They need to be stopped!

Darren – Oct 15, 2020

These are the the same scammers as CDT Cargo. Same fake invoices with same fake stamp.

Priscilla – Aug 28, 2020

They shut down one side and open another I think you’re operating out of India

David – Jul 26, 2020

Mémé mai 2020
j’écris en français pour les français qui pourraient avoir la même expérience.
je me suis intéressé à une Kawasaki 500 H1 sur yupyi.com. le vendeur indique qu’il travaille sur une plateforme pétrolière et qu’il a confié sa moto à une société de transport dont il donne les liens, vous complétez le formulaire, vous recevez un contrat, un récepissé et un ” bill of lading” mais la moto n’arrive jamais. j’ai répété l’expérience 3 fois sur Yupyi.com ( attention) a chaque fois ceux sont des comptes HSBC hébergés en Angleterre ( je me suis fait avoir 1 fois). il n’y a jamais de N° de téléphone. j’ai même reçu une copie de passeport…

I write in French for French people who might have the same experience.
I was interested in a Kawasaki 500 H1 on yupyi.com. the seller indicates that he works on an oil platform and that he has entrusted his motorcycle to a transport company of which he gives the links, you complete the form, you receive a contract, a receipt and a “ bill of lading ” ‘but the motorcycle never arrives. I repeated the experience 3 times on Yupyi.com (be careful) each time those are HSBC accounts hosted in England (I got fooled once). there is never a telephone number. I even received a passport copy …all these website are the same, some are close.

I inform HSBC! please share the HSBC IBAN for each scam !

Mark – Aug 11, 2020

Add the name of Paul Stockwell to the list. Not his real name of course but if this name comes up you know you have been scamed.

Vincent – Jul 28, 2020

Was the passport of Terry Morris? If so that is the one they sent me him saying he worked on an oil platform

Paula – Mar 30, 2020

Please check out my video regarding my ABL deal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zszIyfQQRKQ&feature=youtu.be

Monique – Apr 16, 2020

Well, They shutdown their website. I guess the word got out on ABL Shipping. I have some news for you, they started a new website called Zeigler Freight. They claim to be in Minnesota, but they are most lilkley in europe. zieglerfreight.com They have a phone number listed on their site, but of course it is out of service. Beware they list a lot of cars on oodle.com. This is just another one of their scam sites. I was able to find out the Zeigler site was just put up March 30th 2020. If you google Zeigler Freight you come up with nothing, so it is definetly Dark Web stuff. Don’t let a proffessional looking site fool you.

Benjamin – Mar 27, 2020

Beware of [censored] simon selous cartwrigth if thats his real name, i just found out i got scammed, i brought a suzuki gt 750b of a site called yupi listing #18006447 which is still there for sale,just email the so called owner he said the bike was located in the abl warehouse in seattle because he had a buyer but deal fell through, the buyer had a death in the family so simon said i can buy the bike for 7100 usd so he put me on to the office at abl( Helena Knudsen)his agent? anyway cut a long story short i wired the money through to a bank in England ,which i throught was strange, then photo copy the bank transfer to the office at abl then bike was on the way on the high seas with arrival to NEW-ZEALAND around 17 march but no bike so on the 26 march i better contact abl office and asked her if the bike was in New-Zealand or still on the way,2 days passed heard nothing so then i emailed simon cartwright heard nothing from him, it was then that i thought thats not good ..i’ve been scammed! i’m going to contact the bank in England and let them know there bank is being used by scammers.

Kelli – Jul 26, 2020

Hi Harry share the HSBC IBAN

Latasha – Apr 10, 2020

I got news for you. ABL took down their website. I’m sure they will start another one with a new name and new locatiion. They are probably operating out of India or Pakastan. So beware of scams like this.

Brandi – Mar 28, 2020

That’s just a different version of the same scam I had death in the family in Seattle on a classic car was trying to buy but fortunately I got up when I saw that UK bank

Louis – Mar 18, 2020

No one mentioned the type of car so everyone can steer clear of the deal.

Mario – Mar 25, 2020

https://images.app.goo.gl/dajrzb2Aa4Tu1N7r8 beware this a scam from ABL Shipping

Brett – Mar 23, 2020

1964 Chevrolet Impala burgundy color

Isaac – Mar 16, 2020

Check out the fake scam on the PDF

Tonya – Mar 12, 2020

Working on a deal with these people. Money has been wired and the car did not show up today as scheduled. Contacted ABL shipping limited and they responded the truck carrying it got into a serious accident. So, since it must be in the area I asked to inspect it. We will see what they come back with. On the other hand, the bank HSBC in London won’t tolerate being used as a fraud. I have all the information an will do two things next week if this isn’t resolved. File a local police report and then contact Interpol and then HSBC bank in London directly with the information so they can lock and track the accounts. Someone real has to be on the paperwork to get the account. To be continued…

Mario – Mar 18, 2020

So, deadline and still no car. Scammed…dammit. However, these guys left a trail a mile wide. I have contacted a debt collector in the UK as a first step and will be following up this week with FBI , FTC, and HSBC to put these clowns out of business. Stupid thing to do as the company has been around since 96 , complete with UK filings and normal business credentials. No matter, I will get my funds back with costs. However, correct don’t do business with them. I know how to make people miserable and have their officers and thier homes already found.

Stephen – Mar 12, 2020

I got out way before they took my money. Its a scam I’m telling you see my other post below.

Cory – Mar 05, 2020

I found an online classic car that I was intreseted in. I made contact via email to the seller. He advised me he was on an oil rig in the gulf, but I could buy this car through ABL Shipping Limited. It seemed the car was being stored in Washington State, and all I had to do is send funds to them. $12,000. The car is way under market was the first red flag. There is no phone number ascoiated with the shipping company. They ask me to put the funds in their bank which was in the UK, which does not sound right. I asked to see the VIN # of the vehicle, and they stated, it was illegal to do so. I searched there address in WA on google and I find no building. I found a company with a an address close to there and saw a phone number on a building, called them and was told I wasn’t the first calling trying to find ABL Shipping. I was told they did not exisit. Whoever this is is trying to bilk people out of their money. I should have known because this 1964 Chevy Impala was way under market value. When saw I had to put money into a UK bank account. I was suspicious. I emailed them as that is the only way you can get a hold of them no phone number. I asked for the VIN # on this vehicle. They said it was illegal for them to give me the VIN. (BS). I told them I was out, and they did not get my money. I also turned them into the BBB. Becareful of these scams.

Ryan – Mar 04, 2020

Victim Location 75052

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I found an online classic car that I was intreseted in. I made contact via email to the seller. He advised me he was on an oil rig in the gulf, but I could buy this car through ABL Shipping Limited. It seemed the car was being stored in Washington State, and all I had to do is send funds to them. $12,000. The car is way under market was the first red flag. There is no phone number ascoiated with the shipping company. They ask me to put the funds in their bank which was in the UK, which does not sound right. I asked to see the VIN # of the vehicle, and they stated, it was illegal to do so. I searched there address in WA on google and I find no building. I found a company with a an adress close to there and saw a phone number on a building, called them and was told I wasn’t the first calling trying to find ABL Shipping. I was told they did not exisit. Whoever this is is trying to bilk people out of there money.

Kelly – Mar 05, 2020

I have been in communication about exactly this, buying a classic car with money into a “safe” escrow account but haven’t done it. Sounds a bit too good a deal now so have been searching for scam news. Can anyone else confirm this?

Nicolas – Mar 05, 2020

I found an online classic car that I was intreseted in. I made contact via email to the seller. He advised me he was on an oil rig in the gulf, but I could buy this car through ABL Shipping Limited. It seemed the car was being stored in Washington State, and all I had to do is send funds to them. $12,000. The car is way under market was the first red flag. There is no phone number ascoiated with the shipping company. They ask me to put the funds in their bank which was in the UK, which does not sound right. I asked to see the VIN # of the vehicle, and they stated, it was illegal to do so. I searched there address in WA on google and I find no building. I found a company with a an address close to there and saw a phone number on a building, called them and was told I wasn’t the first calling trying to find ABL Shipping. I was told they did not exisit. Whoever this is is trying to bilk people out of their money. I should have known because this 1964 Chevy Impala was way under market value. When saw I had to put money into a UK bank account. I was suspicious. I emailed them as that is the only way you can get a hold of them no phone number. I asked for the VIN # on this vehicle. They said it was illegal for them to give me the VIN. (BS). I told them I was out, and they did not get my money. I also turned them into the BBB.

Craig –

We are, like you, searching for any information on this company. There doesn’t seem to be ANYTHING online except your question…

Garrett –

Victim Location 86322

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Fake escrow site — wants you to wire money to a "safe" escrow account for the car he has for sale. Will never see the car 🙂

Heather –

Here is the link to this fraudulent outfit: http://ablshipping.com/active.php?atCO=bcae563139dda97f93ef201308b35d2a&actusid=…

Phillip –

You are vague…did you actually attempt to purchase the vehicle in question? Did ABL “hold” your money and not deliver car? Are they in the scam with the car seller?

Thomas –

Did you wire the money?

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