Walker & Sons

Summer –

Victim Location 50669

Total money lost $25

Type of a scam Debt Collections

Received a strange phone call from my parents telling me that I was in trouble and needed to call these people right away or I could go to court or jail.

I called them and they had all of my information, ssn, address, phone number, etc.

If that wasn’t scary enough, they told me very forcefully that I owed over $500 to a book subscription service.

A huge red flag went up as I have never in my life had a magazine or book subscription of any kind, ever.

They threatened to take me to court, garnish my wages, garnish my ssi payments, come to my house and repossess cars and valuables, among other unsavory options.

I was frightened and their scam worked. So I paid them a installment payment of around $25.00 using my debit card.

Big mistake.

I have since gotten a new debit card, and put them on my block list on my phone.

Now they are calling my parents and threatening them.

I don’t know what to do.

I am in fear for my safety as well as my parents safety.

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