Vista Energy

Oscar –

Victim Location 44314

Type of a scam Utility

Yesterday, 8-5-19 a young woman knocked on our door, and my husband answered the door. She started talking about the PUCO ("Public Utilities Commission of Ohio") and how she was a representative of the PUCO. My husband asked me to come to the door, from the couch I yelled "I DO NOT WANT TO CHANGE MY PROVIDERS" she then assured me that was NOT what she was doing there, in fact she claimed to be checking peoples gas/electric bills to make sure my providers are following PUCO guidelines, and making it clear that we have a choice of who we want to provide our services. I came to the door and told her again I am not changing anything. She was articulate and seemed to know what she was talking about. She said she needed to see my bills, I became uncomfortable and told her I wasn’t sure if I could find them at the moment because my kitchen table was filled with papers and it would take me awhile to find them (a lie on my part). She then asked if she could come in and help me look for them! Ummm absolutely NO! this young lady was persistent and said she would wait because she had to report the information she finds out back to the PUCO. I was aggravated and got the bills. She started making lines across my bill and I said "why are you doing that if all you need to see is if the providers are offing us other choices?" She then said are you aware you are on a variable rate?. I answered that I suspected that but I was fine with it. She said she needs to confirm that my providers were not trying monopolize the market. After a little banter back and forth and compliments on my nails, she then asked for my cell phone number. Again, I became uncomfortable so I gave her an old phone number. She then said she needed to pull up the form on her phone for me to sign verifying that she did in fact view my statements. There was just a small place to sign. I signed it and she said that I would receive a text with a code number that I would have to confirm. Well then I told her I gave her my old phone number by accident (a lie) because I had recently got a new phone (truth). Then I received the text message that said "Hi, it’s Vista Energy to confirm your enrollment with Vista, dial 1-***-***-*** and enter code *** when prompted" The next text said "See your enrollment form at http://***. When I clicked on the link all of a sudden my signature was at the bottom of a Vista letter head that said "Authorization for electricity / natural gas service with Vista Energy". Then I told her to give me back my paperwork and get the hell off of my porch!. I reported this to the PUCO. I guess she didn’t realize that I have her on camera! She also has a tattoo on her left inside forearm of two roses and a name under it which I also reported.

Eric –

Victim Location 95112

Total money lost $200

Type of a scam Utility

A customer service representative came to my door one day and presented themselves as an employee with Vista Energy. when the service representative initially came to my door to inform me of this Company she was not clear about what Vista Energy Marketing was and how it would affect my billing of gas once I signed up for the service. She did not provide me with any rate information whatsoever. The representative simply stated that Vista Energy is working in partnership with PGE and implied that all PGE users were required to sign up for PGE. For this reason I went ahead and signed up. Since then, I’ve researched Vista Energy and have noticed the overwhelming amount of articles informing people that Vista Energy is a scam. I have read what Vista Energy has to say about this on the website and I understand that the service appears to be legitimate. However, the part of Vista Energy that IS a scam in my opinion is that the representative who approached me and likely many others KNOWINGLY omitted pertinent information that would be necessary in order to make an informed decision. This representative coerced me by manipulating the facts and omitting important information so that ultimately I would sign up for services. I believe the way I have been treated both at the initial meeting with the representative and my participating in services since then is completely unethical and fraudulent.

After having received services for approximately three months. I called Vista Energy and spoke with a Customer Services representative who stated that I have been charged approximately .99cents per day since the initiation of services; however, she stated that there is a different rate plan of .66cents per day. I was not given the opportunity to view and choose rate plans when I was approached with services with this company and I was automatically assigned the higher of the two rates.

Jerome –

Victim Location 69131

Total money lost $400

Type of a scam Utility

I received an email that appeared to be from Source Gas, reminding me to make my natural gas selection. The color scheme was in the classic Source Gas blue & green colors. The email came to my email inbox, to an email address that is new and only in the possession of Source Gas as far as our bills go. (Other company bills go to my old email address.)

I opened the email from what appeared to be SourceGas and read that I needed to make my enrollment with Source before rates went up. I enrolled in what I understood to be a continuation of the service I already had.

Little did I know, they signed me up through Source Gas but with a new company, Vista, instead of Ace through Source Gas. Every step of the process I believed to just be continuing services through Source Gas as I already had, simply at a higher rate than the prior year. Today I received a bill for the entirety of my gas usage through Ace & Source Gas up until the enrollment with Vista & Source Gas.

I called SourceGas to demand an explanation; they told me I had enrolled with a new company. I told them no, I enrolled through the email sent out by YOU to continue my service. The SourceGas rep told me they are not legally able to send out information on gas service providers, so the email had to come from Vista. When I asked her why SourceGas sold my email address to Vista, she replied that they only share physical addresses but not email addresses.

Vista has "somehow" acquired email addresses of SourceGas customers, then they send out an email that appears to be FROM SourceGas and leaves many people such as myself believing that they’re continuing service with Source, when instead they’re getting an entire new provider. I enrolled through my email ONLY BECAUSE I was under the assumption that the email I had received was one directly from SourceGas and that I was continuing services already agreed upon.

SourceGas claims they won’t give out email addresses, yet the email to enroll for Vista was THE ONLY GAS SELECTION EMAIL I RECEIVED. Vista claims that SourceGas provides to them all their clients’ email addresses. Someone is being dishonest about the acquisition of my email, and in the process they have left me with a $400 gas bill from Ace for the amount of gas used up to that point, rather than continuing the leveled billing plan I understood myself to be on. SO either SourceGas helped Vista by providing for them email addresses so that Vista could engage in this complex hoax of tricking people into believing they were continuing services, or Vista has done this dirty deed on their own.

Zachary –

Victim Location 95388

Type of a scam Utility

I live in California however Vista Energy I understand is in your neck of the woods. On 3 seperate occasions this year alone representitives of Vista Energy have come to my nieghborhood wearing Vista t shirts. Upon seeing them all 3 times including today I have told them I was not interested and he claimed to not be with Vista but instead he was a PG&E employee. This is my complaint. Vista Energy has on way too many occasions claimed to be PG&E in order to get information so that they can illeagly change your service over to them for Gas and or Electric. I live in a town were there are a lot of people who may not know they are doing this untill its too late and since they are claiming to be someone they are not possible gaining entrance into to peoples homes. Something really needs to be done.

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