Total Womans Gym

Javier –

Victim Location 91367

Type of a scam Identity Theft

I work at Total Womans Gym in the Spa department i started employment in 09/2104 as a massage therapist.The job was good until i noticed some things were very peculiar.I noticed employees names seam to match all my close relatives names i just thought nothing of it at the time thinking to myself this is just a coincidence. I then began to notice clients name seem to be fake as well for example NATALIE COHEN.KIA CHARLES etc..I also had a few occasions where i was followed while working at two different locations.It got so bad that i had to transfer to a new location because i was getting harassed on a regular basics.This idea did not work it actually seemed like they were waiting for me to get there to harass me once again the first day i started work there were an unusually amount of cars in the parking lot with very noticeable license plate number. I have copies of all the license plate numbers on file if you need more information.I have express my concerns with Kelsey Kearns the GM of the Spa.She was very rude and snappy when i mentioned the business ethics and policies don’t seem legal.I have more then enough proof that some one or persons at Total Woman’s gym has a personal vendetta against me.I have proof that 2 ex friends work for the company under fake names the first person name is Natalie Cayetano aka Suzette Lee her role accounting, second person is Korzu Taplin aka Reshon Johnson, Kimberly Clark. her role Chief operating officer.The reason i know all this information is i work here and i see a lot of information regarding staff and clients.Please look into this matter this is illegal to work under false names and practices.I strongly agree that some one even stoled the name Total SPA I founded a company in 2001 named Total Escape Spa i have documents to support that.Identity theft is as much crime as any other and, should be tarn serious.

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