Patrick Kiser from “City of Surprise”

Lauren –

Victim Location 27562

Type of a scam Employment

I kept receiving emails from a company claiming to need "Mystery Shoppers". I replied to get more information, and it seemed legitimate because they said they would not need any money. They would send an express package with cash to only be used at Walmart. THEN. I started receiving phone calls about an express FED EX delivery with a check. When it came, I got several phone calls asking to state that I had the package. It turned out to be a check for 2900 that I was suppose to cash and then send money to other shoppers through money transfer.

Here is a copy of one of the many emails pressuring me to follow through with the deposit into my account:

From: Anthony Gardner

To: [email protected]

Sent: Monday, February 8, 2016 6:42 PM

Subject: Customer service !!


I am Anthony Gardner, Recruitment Specialist with Sights On Service Inc.“We have a mystery shopping assignment in your area and we would like you to participate". Secret Shopper® has been in business since 1990. We are a charter member of the Mystery Shopping Provider’s Association (MSPA), the professional tradeassociation for the Mystery Shopping industry.


Secret Shopper® is the premier mystery shopping company serving clients across America and Canada with over 500,000 shoppers available and ready to help businesses better serve their customers. Continual investment in the latest internet and communication technologies coupled with over 16 years of know-how means working with Secret Shopper® is a satisfying and rewarding experience. Secret shopping as seen on ABC NEWS, NBC NEWS, L.A.TIMES.Since 1990, Secret Shopper® has delivered actionable intelligence to our clients, helping to drive exceptional bottom-line performance. Nearly 1,000 shoppers have registered this week, performing millions of mystery shops throughout North America and the Caribbean. We have been building our tradition of excellence for two decades.Stores and organizations such as The Gap, Walmart, Pizza Hut and Banks. One amongst many others pay for Secret Shoppers to shop in their establishments and report their experiences. On top of being paid for shopping you are also allowed to keep purchases for free. Secret Shopper® NEVER charge fees to the shopper. Training, tips for improvement, and shopping opportunities are provided free to registered shoppers.Mystery shoppers are either paid a pre-arranged fee for a particular shop, a reimbursement for a purchase or a combination of both. Secret Shopper® has available for immediate assignment an inspection of the customer service of any walmart in your area. You are to shop secretly. This fee will be paid upfront. During this shopping, you will visit a location and make several observations as regards the customer service. You will be required to interact with the shopper clerk. You may conduct the shop alone or as a couple. The assignment will pay $300.00 per duty and you can be able to get up to 2- 3 duties in a week depending on how fast you are able to execute the first assignment. Kindly Fill Out the application form below and we will get back to you shortly with the assignment:


Full Name:

Street Address:

City, State, Zip Code:

Cell Phone Number:


Current Occupation:


Anthony Gardner

Secret Shopper®

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