Prime Trust Shipping

Nikki – Jan 23, 2021

I’m from Korea, my friend in Syria sent me a package through this same company on 15 December 2020. They asked me to paid $5700 for custom and I also received my package in my country after some days. I would say this company service is good.

Jenna – Jan 20, 2021

The staff has instructed that a payment of $3,250 be made for the
issuance of a Yellow Tag Certificate in your favour before the package
will be allowed to depart from this country. Ma’am endeavor to reply as
soon as possible to enable our diplomat as scheduled to your nominated
Go to Walmart and send money through MoneyGram using the information

First Name: Giomel

Surname: Torch

Country: Turkey

Zip code: 34000

City: Istanbul

Ma’am you only have to pay for just this. Go to the bank or any agent
location and transfer money to MoneyGram using the information below:

This person ask for the$1150





I need to know if this legit. This is the second amount that this company wants from me is 3250. The first charge was $1150.00 for clearance charges. Is all this correct.

Thank you

Kate – Jan 23, 2021

My name is Sanchez J. Ramirez and I live in Philippine. This month I received a gift in a box from a friend through this delivery company. It cost me 4800 dollars to clear it and I’m glad because I received my parcel after I cleared it.
Hence, I don’t think the company is bad, based on my understanding I think someone only have problem with delivery when he/she breaches the courier agreement. It’s good to comply as at when due and also show your evidence of payment to the delivery for clearance. I’m happy to share my experience, thank you.

Lucas – Jan 22, 2021

About two weeks ago my sister was communicated this same company and asked to pay similar fees. She got her parcel delivered to us 2 days after she made the payment. I would say it’s a good company. Thanks

Leah – Nov 27, 2020

Yo tambien la conoci en tango, me llamo Zulma Ruiz Suàrez, dice ser Diego Pacheco , tambien es del ejercito. Me dice que le dejo su mujer el se quedo con 2 niños, luego me dice que me evia un paque de esta misma enpresa, yo le creis le pague mucho euro y asta ahora me sigua amenando q me manda la interpol.

Sheena – Oct 21, 2020

I have another experience with this fraud.
An Instagram account claimed to be Amelia Harrison contacted me and very soon she said that she found me by her prayers to help her make her late husband wish come true.
After couple a days and trying to gain my truth, she asked for my information to send something to me.
From the beginning, I was suspicious abut her and whatever she is up to, but I wanted to go farther to see how the gonna make the story.

They are not clever enough and they suffer from lack of creativity.

I’ve checked the “primetrustshipping” site. It’s totally new, although she claimed they are a well known long lasting company.
You can see that they are not, from here “”

She also refuses to show any verifiable document about her identity.

I’ll attach the receipt she send me to chow that she has sent me a package by that shipping company. As you can see, they didn’t even try better photoshoping it. :)))
Also they supposed to send the parcell to Iran, they sent it to Kambojia by what their tracking shows! =)))

Shannon – May 09, 2020

Victim Location 91731

Type of a scam Romance

My sister, who is cognitively disabled, was contacted by text message, by a supposed high school friend. He claimed to be "Juan Mercado", in the military and began a relationship on 5/4/2020 (her birthday). Soon after he claimed he needed her help in the amount of $1000 to have box of his money delivered to her home for safekeeping. She gave "Juan Mercado" her home address. He said she was the only one he could trust and to not tell anyone she was helping him. Juan Mercado said she could open the box and pay herself back when she received the box. She was contacted by text by a shipping company (Prime Trust Shipping) with a tracking number and told a person at the airport was waiting for her to make a payment. When she did not send the money right away, the price went up to $1400. The shipping company has website ( that appears legitimate, with a tracking option listing her address. Upon calling the shipping company, a man said he was at the airport waiting for her to send a payment. When she refused to the send the money "Juan Mercado" threatened to harm her when he returned from Yemen.

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