Cineva, a postat în limba germana ca donează doi papagali din rasa Africani Gri, am luat legătura pe fb..mi s a spus ca este din Austria însă email. urile le primeam în limba romana, deși eu am început discuția în limba engleza. Am apucat doar sa trimit 250€ pentru biletul papagalilor care erau în aeroport așteptând sa fie livrați către mine, a doua zi dimineața. Apoi am primit mail ca politia animalelor au verificat papagalii dar aveau autorizație doar în Austria și trebuia sa plătesc suma de 598 €, 100% rambursabila, mailul fiind în limba romana dar ei continuau sa vorbească cu mine în engleza. Am refuzat sa fac transferul. Suma de 250€ este o învățare de minte sa nu ma mai încred în cumpărăturile online. [email protected] Frauda
Victim Location 76234
Total money lost $2,080
Type of a scam Online Purchase
These people have tons of puppies for sale listed. They will only respond to you through FB messenger or via text. They accept Venmo and ask that you send money and tag the money in Venmo as "bill" so it won’t be placed on hold. They asked $500 for the puppy and $180 to ship the puppy. Then they email you a change of ownership document. Then you get an email from the shipper ([email protected]) asking for $1450 for insurance for the puppy. The puppy is on hold until they receive this refundable insurance money. Then the puppy never shows up. They are quite rude when texting and tell you to be patient, "they puppy will be at your house by 11am". They don’t have good grammar or spelling.
Scammer’s phone 619 494 0680
Scammer’s website Facebook page
Scammer’s address 2891 Woodridge cir Carlsbad CA 92008
Scammer’s email [email protected]
Country United States
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Initial means of contact Not applicable
This woman’s name is Demi Brandy and her company is called puppy’s for sale. She sold me a Cockalier for $800 and promised shipping next day. When I questioned her about shipping and if she was a real company she assured me she was and that she provided me with her address phone number and name. She said she shipped dog from CA and the company for shipping was called classic world wide logistics and that the dog could not go any further until I paid for insurance of $1,400 and it would be refunded when puppy was dropped off. I refused to pay this and this woman stopped responding to me and needless to say I never got the dog. Don’t trust this company nor shipping company. It’s fraud