Official VIN

Theodore –

Victim Location 98042

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Text by they are very interested in my car that is for sale. From an out of state area code but many of my friends are transplants who haven’t changed their number, so I didn’t think anything of it at first. Asked that I provide a vehicle report from which redirects to which contains a lot of pop-ups. I asked them twice how they heard about my vehicle, they dodged the question the first time and didn’t respond the second.

Joanna –

Victim Location 83646

Total money lost $18.40

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Selling my car on Craigslist. Interested buyer. Asked for a health report for my car, and sent me the name of a vin check website, that looked legit. Paid 18.40 or something like like for a car history report and emailed it to the person. Once email was sent no more correspondence with the person.

Taryn –

Victim Location 97211

Type of a scam Online Purchase

This person (maybe recording?) called to say they were interested in my vehicle I had for sale on Craigslist, but then got cut off due to bad reception and had to text. They continued to show interest in vehicle, then requested I get a report from and send it to email. I did not do this, as I googled this scam and saw reports.

Wendy –

Victim Location 96819

Type of a scam Phishing

Contacted by phone initially, then by text saying "Sorry, my phone has awful reception today and keeps dropping calls, the reason I was calling is that I’m interested in your vehicle." The person goes on to say "Would you mind getting me a background check on the car from" and sends a link to The person says the report was recommended to them by their brother who’s a car dealer and provides an email address for me to send the report to. I asked if a CarFax report would be acceptable instead and the person responds (not acknowledging my question) "I look forward to potentially buying the Honda fit after I finish off my checklist on it with that history report. I’ll keep any eye out for your email!"

Ann –

Victim Location 99006

Total money lost $20

Type of a scam Identity Theft

This person above contacted me by phone, then started messaging about a vehicle I have for sale in Craig’s list.

She sent me official VIzn website and her email to send report.

I paid 20.00 for the report and sent it to her.

Did not hear back and no response to calls or emails so I got suspicious.

Donald –

Victim Location 99502

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Contacted by text about car being sold on craigslist. Asked for price, which I gave. Then was asked to go to website to get a car report for them. Cut communications as soon as this happened.

Frank –

Victim Location 99006

Total money lost $20

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I was contacted by phone by Wendy Dowd regarding a vehicle I advertised on Crig’s list.

WENDY said her phone has bad reception, so we started messaging.

She sent me this message;

The place my brother whos a car dealer recommends is: send it to me at [email protected] if you can!

I paid for the report with my CC and sent it to her.

Now she won’t respond d, so I started getting suspicious.

I am canceling my CC

Isaac –

Victim Location 66609

Total money lost $18.95

Type of a scam Phishing

I received a phone call from a Pennsylvania area code and I didn’t answer. They followed up with a text apologizing for poor connection. They indicated that they were interested in the vehicle but wanted to see the vehicle history report first. They gave a website that charged $18.95. I used the website and it appeared to give me an accurate history report. Once I finished it, and tried to send a picture, they text that they couldn’t see it, and that they will see it when we meet up. I gave a meeting spot at a safe place and then he said that he’ll get back to me after I email him the history report. He never gave me his email address. I cancelled my credit card number because that website now has that information.

Claire –

Victim Location 66221

Total money lost $18.95

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Posted my car online to sell. Received an inquiry via text message but, asked to see a vehicle history report to ensure no major accidents and the title is clean. The request was through a specific website, After price checking against Carfax, the website’s fee of $18.95 to generate the report seemed fair. Purchased the report and asked the person who originally asked where they would like me to send the report with no feedback or avoiding answering. Something seemed off so I searched the website and sure enough came across the scam…

Had to cancel my card that was used to purchase. DO NOT TRUST THIS SITE.

Mark –

Victim Location 32780

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I proceeded to say I wasn’t comfortable sending a report through an unfamiliar website and it was automated messages. I said no thank you and I received a text back saying “awesome look forward to seeing the report 😉 ive been thinking about getting a 1993 saturn for a little bit now.” they never wanted to talk on phone, only through text.

Gary –

Victim Location 84045

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I’m selling my car. This is the second scammer I’ve been contacted by. He called my phone, but the call dropped within seconds. When I tried to call back there was a lot of random noise. He texted me to say he was in an area with bad reception. He said my car looked perfect online but he had a few questions. He started by asking the price, which is clearly posted on every ad I have posted. Then he asked if I could send him a vehicle history report and gave me a link to a website to look it up and an email address to send the report to. The website had nothing about prices posted, so I entered the VIN of my car, which is also available in the ads I’ve posted, so nothing new. However, when the site asked for a credit card, still not telling me a price, I turned it off. I offered to send a copy of the report I purchased when I originally bought the car, and asked if that was okay. I told the guy that if it wasn’t, and he wasn’t a scammer, he could buy his own report. His response was that he looked forward to seeing the report and he would check his email throughout the day. No indication my texts had been read or that I was talking to anyone but a spam bot. After looking up some similar scams, I found one from back in 2015 that used the exact same logo for their fake website, however, they’ve changed the name. In 2015, apparently the cost for these reports was $20, however, the website just logs your credit card number for scammers to use.

Karl –

Victim Location 02721

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I was selling my Honda CRB on a public website and this person text message me asking to send info about my Vin number & car report by asking for personal info. I quickly realized after double checking with my own name if it was a scam to get my info and it was. Be very aware of this person or website!

Phillip –

Victim Location 90025

Total money lost $20

Type of a scam Online Purchase

These people texted saying that they were interested in purchasing my car and needed a report specifically from this website i looked them up and they have been scamming SO people. I purchased the report before looking them up and lost my money. After I purchased the report and sent it to him he didn’t respond.

Latasha –

Victim Location 23838

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I listed my TRUCK on CL. Within an hour I first received two duplicate emails from "Scott Lathan" wondering if I still had "it." Shortly thereafter, I received another call from the number I listed (from a man). The call was cut off and immediately I got a text (with no name signed) wanting to know if my CAR was still for sale. When I corrected them, they said everyting looked good, but they had a few questions. They then wanted to know the price, and then wanted a copy of the "CAR’S history report." I was directed to "" (which was a forwarder to another URL). I was told to email the report to a woman named Irene. On another device I typed in the URL and was redirected to I did not enter any information or go any further.

Grace –

Victim Location 95747

Type of a scam Credit Cards

I am selling my car and put all the information of my car in Craiglist. This person text me and also gave me miss calls and ask me about the car and details of the car and then he send me a link to buy a history of car and then send him on his given email. I told him that its your responsibility but he didn’t gave attention to my text and still wanted me to send him the report.

Alison –

Victim Location 02151

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I listed my car on Craigslist. I got a call and it was a man that said “is your car still available for showing?” I said yes and the call ended. I was skeptical and thought it might have been a robo-call trying to trick me into saying “yes.” Within a few minutes, I got a text “Hi! Is your car thats listed on CL still available?” I said yes, then the person asked what the price was. I thought this was weird, as the price was listed on the Craigslist ad but I told them anyway. I then received this: “Can you also get a copy of your cars history report? You can get it from -please send that to me at: [email protected] if you can!” I told them I could send a carfax report. They replied, “When i get a clean report from maybe we can schedule a time to meet for a test drive. lmk after you’ve pulled the report and we can make a time to meet up.” I asked why they needed the report from that specific website. They said “ i know that is NMVTIS approved and thats what my friend whos an auto dealer told me to ask for,” which was a lie. The site is not approved by the NMVTIS and upon checking the legitimacy of the website, it was reported to be 0% reliable.

Rose –

Victim Location 23188

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Called interested in a car I have for sale. Hung up. Then started texting. Said:

Can you also get a copy of your cars history report? You can get it from -please send that to me at: [email protected] if you can!

Diane –

Victim Location 93556

Type of a scam Identity Theft

Selling car on craigslist. Person said to verify here before they’d even look at the car. Turns out BBB had an article, this is the newest scam. I new something seemed off. They also asked for a similarly named sight

Sabrina –

Victim Location 96822

Type of a scam Identity Theft

He called about a car I posted on Craigslist. Said he would meet me if I downloaded a clean VIN report from a specific site. The site (he gave me two) isn’t a real site. It’s either an attempt at identity theft or attempt to get me to pay fee for fake VIN report.

Alexis –

Victim Location 99202

Type of a scam Phishing

I’m trying to sell off my car (for free, since it’s beyond my wallet’s repair) and a gentleman called me up. He asked to look into a website I never heard of to obtain the information. When it comes to Craigslist and Strangers trying to buy my higher priced stuff, I’m instantly wary. I decided to test this site by first entering https:// before the website address and sure enough, I get potential fraud warnings. I’m going to see if this gentleman is willing to pay for the report and look it up himself. If not, it’s game over.

Gina –

Victim Location 97305

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Posted my vehicle for sale on Craigslist. Received a phone call from what sounded like a robot, asking if it was still available. I said yes, then the call ended. I immediately got a text asking the same question, replied yes.

I have attached a screenshot of the conversation that followed.

Brandy –

Victim Location 93636

Type of a scam Online Purchase

They try to have you complete a vin check/history report on a car you’re selling and try to scam you into paying for it. Then do not leave you alone.

Sara –

Victim Location 06450

Type of a scam Phishing

When selling my vehicle, caller asked if car was still for sale, I told him it is a truck not a car, he then hung up. I called them back then they texted me saying it was not a good time for them to talk but they wanted to text instead. Said he would buy my vehicle if I purchased a report from which actually redirects to Caller tried to get me to buy report and most likely steal my personal info if I entered it in. I then texted this person back and said that I have reported them to local and federal authorities and then blocked his number .

Marie –

Victim Location 02896

Type of a scam Phishing

I had an add on Craigslist to post my car. He called, asked if the car was for sale, then immediately hung up. He then began texting, saying "got to this website to provide me a vin report & I’ll buy the car if the Vin checks out ok

Donna –

Victim Location 84020

Total money lost $20

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I have a vehicle listed for sale online. I received a phone call, which I couldn’t answer at the time, then a text asking about my car. They asked me a couple of questions about the car, then asked if I would send them a VIN report. They sent the link to a site that was cheaper than purchasing a report from Carfax, so I purchased it and sent it. Then never heard a thing – did some research and discovered it was a total scam.

Kurt –

Victim Location 47906

Type of a scam Online Purchase

they contacted me wanting to buy the truck i have for sale and kept pressuring me to purchase a carfax report on 2 similar websites with different adresses. i told them they can purchase the report and the vin was in the listing. they stated they read the listing and couldnt find the price when i clearly listed it at $5000

Jake –

Victim Location 85345

Type of a scam Identity Theft

Received call asking if car still for sale then they hung up. Minute later I received a text stating they cant talk right now if we can text. Text then says how much is vehicle selling for. They ask me to go to website and get vehicle history report from and send to [email protected] Email address takes you to website. This website steals your identy and credit card information.

Kevin –

Victim Location 30116

Total money lost $18.95

Type of a scam Phishing

Person acted like they were interested in my car for sale that was posted on Craigslist. They asked for a VIN report through Official VIN. Unfortunately, I pulled the report and emailed it to the requested email address. The issue is you had to enter your credit card information online and make the $18.95 payment, so there is potential for Official VIN to misuse my credit card information.

Levi –

Victim Location 04103

Type of a scam Counterfeit Product

Selling a car and was asked to provide a car report from a fake site.

Alyssa –

Victim Location 05491

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Got contacted about an add on Craig’s list from the phone number listed above. Got disconnected and wanted to text. In the texting he wanted me to do a vin check through the site, which I did and no report came up so sent a picture of a partial vin number and the no report generated . But he still wanted an email of the report saying the photo didn’t come through. Then said I could show him the report when we decided to meet. But needed to check his email when he got home. Seems like a scammer to me. And when googled the site has a cutestat after it and it is Norton okayed. But going right to the site he gave me without google there was nothing to verify good or bad.

Miguel –

Victim Location 92509

Type of a scam Phishing

I am currently selling my car online and was contacted by a potential buyer via text message from number [909-655-9092]. The person stated that they saw the posting for the car online and was interested in it. They ask for the price saying that it wasn’t listed even though it was clearly listed. Shortly after they asked me "Would you please pull a history report from [] – Please email that to me at: [[email protected]]". When I go the the link, it seems legitimate at first asking for the car’s VIN, then asking where you want to send it, then to pay $18.95 to send the report. I didn’t put in my card info since scam report websites show this is a common tactic to steal credit card information by sending it to the email the scammer provided and never generating a vehicle report. The scammer seems excited after I lie saying I purchased a report. They don’t respond to basic questions I ask, and they’re responses seem cut and pasted.

Nicholas –

Victim Location 84094

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I’m trying to sell my car.

*** and,


Someone called from the number (951)438-1889 and asked if the car was available. The phone hung up at an awkward time it was right after I said it was (odd occurrence #1). It seemed like the call dropped. I then got a text from the number asking about the car. This is the following conversation.

Scammer – I saw your car listing online and wanted to ask you a few questions

Me – Yeah absolutely I’m in a meeting, ask away or I can call at 1200

Scammer – I read the whole description but I didn’t see the price in it (odd occurrence #2, why wouldn’t you be able to see the price?)

Scammer – Whats the price on the Honda civic?

Me – 13800

Scammer – Would you please pull a history report from – Please email that to me at: [email protected] (Odd occurrence #3-6: why do I need this to use this website, why am I pulling the history report for the buyer, whats with the capitals in the email address)

Scammer – hey, dont mean to bother but are you still here? (odd occurrence #7, didn’t I tell you I had a meeting until 12?)

Me – Yeah I can send you a check from a different website

I tried to e-mail a different (free) VIN report to the email address and it didn’t work. I thought it was due to me using zeros instead of Os at the end of the email so I tried again and that didn’t work either (Odd occurrence #7)

Scammer – After i see a copy of the report from I can schedule a time to meet for a test drive (odd occurrence #8; why did the website change?)

Scammer – Just lmk after you’ve pulled the report and we can make a time to meet up

Me – Where do you live?

Scammer – thanks look forward to seeing the report (winky face) ive had my eye on the Honda civic I think im ready to buy it (odd occurence #9 &10; thanks for not acknowledging my question, why is this report so important?)

Me – Snop dittle wiggity wack attack

Scammer – I will check my email later today when i get home! Thank you!!

Me – How long does this go for?

Jessie –

Victim Location 01801

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Received a text message from an unknown number asking about the vehicle I was selling. The title of the posting started with ‘Immaculate …’ , which indicated the condition of the vehicle and the scammer referred to my car as the ”Immaculate [vehicle manufacturer]”. Then they asked for a VIN report from and wanted the report emailed to them. Once I said I wasn’t familiar with the website and offered to pull one from they never replied again.

Andres –

Victim Location 97403

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I am selling a car on Craigslist. A person called me seeming to be interested and would like a VIN report of a very unusual site which I would have to pay to send him the report. He texted me with the link of this scam site.

Christie –

Victim Location 83815

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I listed a car for sale on Craigslist. Why would someone from Pennsylvania want me to get them a VIN report from their suggested websites? To collect my credit card information. I live in Idaho. There is no way they were going to drive to Idaho to purchase a $500 car. They were extremely pushy in the texts they sent me and even messed up one time and tried to call me. That’s how I got their phone number. They also recommended Another website that is probably a scam.

Caroline –

Victim Location 98003

Type of a scam Online Purchase

This organization will have someone text you asking if your vehicle is still available. They will then immediately insist you pull an VIN check from a specific site, in this case which then diverts to If you enter a credit card number you’ll be in for a surprise as an internet search suggests these are most likely after your credit card number rather than your vehicle or a check. The texts are bot-driven as the responses are legit sounding, but "canned" and don’t match up what you type.

Omar –

Victim Location 95747

Type of a scam Phishing

Text reply to Craigslist post selling my used car asked for a car history report from a suspicious site.

From text messages

Would you please pull a history check from and send it to me?

You enter your vin then get a report – Please email that to me at [email protected]

The link went to a different URL and wanted to charge 9.95 for a report and asked for credit card, address and phone number.

Brett –

Victim Location 98103

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I listed my car for sale on and received a phone call about a day later. The call cut out pretty quickly, and the caller texted back to say they were having signal issues. They then asked me to go to to send them a report for my car’s history and then they could meet me within the next 2 days to buy the car.

I decided to check out the website before entering any information and I saw the scam reports so decided not to continue. Don’t fall for this scam!

Albert –

Victim Location 22407

Type of a scam Phishing

Received a call regarding if my car was for sale, which was quickly hung up. Then I received I text stating they would like to buy my car in cash in 2 days if I could provide a car report from Once I had the report I was to email it to his shared email with his girlfriend. My car vin did not go through thankfully and I was able to find other reports of this website.

Derrick –

Victim Location 22469

Type of a scam Phishing

I was first called, and when I answered they hung up. Then texted and said that the call had dropped. they were inquiring about a vehicle that I had listed on Craigslist. It was a local number and seemed to be normal text that usually occurs when someone is inquiring about a used vehicle. The person on the other end of the call kept referring to the vehicle as a car which was really a full size lifted pickup truck. They also stated that once we had the report they would meet us with cash to purchase the "car". Which sent up a red flag. They wanted a vehicle history report from I could not find any information in Google about them. I continued with the report since i figured someone else would probably want one too. I got almost to the end and my gut was telling me this doesn’t seem right. So I didn’t continue with the purchase. My husband asked them for their email address and where they were located and got no response.

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