Victim Location 45335
Type of a scam Credit Repair/Debt Relief
* ** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** I originally answered the phone to an unknown number because I thought it could have been a friend or someone calling from a different phone(not uncommon in my house). But when I answered I thought it was just a sales call since I was half asleep. What sounded like a recording (but still gave her name as Melissa?) Started talking about credit card debt/loan debt and how I could only be saved through their companies help. As I said I was still half asleep, but the other day I had read if you hit 9 on a sales call it takes you off their list. So I did. It immediately hung up and I was feeling I was pretty smart.(boy was I wrong). Until the next day two other numbers called, but both from the same agency. I answered(stupid I know) and tried to hit 9 again on the first call that day. But by the second call I was catching on. So Everytime they called I answered and tried to get little info. Although I will admit one time I told Melissa to shove it(Sorry, that’s probably poor judgement. But when someone/something calls you about 3 times an hour you get annoyed.) I just read an article on this website and talked to a hat representative. Both informed me to stop answering period. I now know that when you even just answer you are marked as an active line for other scams as well. I’m sorry I don’t have more info. In truth, they were very crafty at sounding official yet not giving any real info on themselves. I might have believed them had I not been ** and never signed up for a credit card or a loan in my life. Hope this helps.