Sergeant Jason Cook

Jordan –

Victim Location 83616

Type of a scam Phishing

I received a call from "Sargent Jason Cook" on Saturday evening saying I had failed to show up for Grand Jury. He explained that the honorable Judge Timothy Hanson had cited me with Failure to Appear and Contempt of Court charges against me. He gave me the court case numbers and the Federal Grand Marshal’s real address. He stated that he will need to meet with me Monday morning to do affidavit. He knew my previous employers address and my former last name. He said the jury notification was sent to my old employer under my previous last name. He said that I needed to go down and get a electronic voucher for $1500.27. That would be refunded once this ruled that I never received the jury notification. This is a complete scam!! Scary to think he wanted to meet with me at the court house to take my affidavit and to collect the Electronic Voucher. Public Beware

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